Chapter Seven

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"Are you sure it's okay for me to be in here?" Lena asked for the tenth time that night.

"Lena. How many times can I say 'it's fine' until you believe me?"

"What if someone sees me though?" Lena whispered, holding a pillow closely to her chest.

Kara snorted. "Even if anyone was here, no one can see us inside this blanket fort anyways."

Lena sighed and rolled onto her back. She stared at the floral patterned blanket above her head. She took out her wand and traced small light patterns in front of her. Lena looked over to see Kara smile.

"I never got the hang of that charm." Kara sighed and took out her wand.

"It's a very simple charm, I can't imagine why." Lena said, looking over at Kara. "Wait- Did you get a different wand?" She asked while staring at the plain wand in Kara's hand.

"A-ah, yeah." Kara said embarrassedly. "I kind of, um, broke? It? My wand. I-I mean." She mumbled.

Lena sat up. "You- you what?! "

Kara winced and looked at Lena. "I-I broke it."

"How exactly did you manage that?"

Kara swore under her breath when she saw the fire in Lena's eyes. "H-had a slight problem with the staircase?"

"Really? The staircase?" Lena sighed, rubbing her temples. "How long ago was this?"

"Yesterday." Kara said, looking away from Lena.

"How did you get a new one so quickly?" Lena asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"My mom." Kara said, blushing embarrassedly.

"Ah." Lena said, lying back down. She was silent for a moment, thinking. "Your mother is one of the only professors to treat me like a regular student."

"Why wouldn't someone treat you like a normal student?" Kara asked, frustratedly failing to draw light patterns in the air. She hit the wand a few times with the palm of her hand.

"Kara, if you haven't noticed, I'm a Luthor ." Lena sighed heavily, turning away from Kara.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Kara said, smiling when she finally managed to draw a shaky smiley face in the air.

"You- wha-"

"Lena, you're nothing like your family. If anyone took the effort to long beyond your last name, they'd see what an incredible person you are." Kara looked over at Lena and smiled gently.

"Do you- do you really believe that?" Lena whispered, staring at Kara with awe in her eyes. "Even though I'm a Slytherin, too?"

Kara laughed. "You really don't know anything about me, huh?" She grinned at Lena. "House doesn't mean anything, last names don't mean anything. As long as I see good in you- and I do, Lena- I don't see a problem with being your friend."

Lena heaved out a heavy sigh, and wiped at the tears pooling up in her eyes. "You know, you're pretty smart- for a sixth year. "

Kara slapped Lena on the shoulder. "Hey! We were having a moment! You totally just ruined it!"

Kara grumbled under her breath when she heard Lena chuckle. The laid side by side quietly, staring up at the blanket above them. Kara listened to Lena's soft breaths coming from her right. Kara took in a deep breath.

"Do you want to hear something weird?" She whispered, looking over at Lena's dark profile.

"How weird could it be?" Lena laughed lightly.

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