"I- I, yes, Headmistress." Kara said nervously.

"Oh, so now I'm 'Headmistress' when you need something. You know I don't particularly enjoy these silly titles." Professor Grant snapped, walking over to Kara. Her eyes drifted downwards to a bloody Miles Jacobs on the floor. "What's this?" She asked with interest, raising an eyebrow.

"This is Miles Jacobs. He attacked me in the kitchens and has something to do with the disappearance of my sister."

Professor Grant hummed, bending down to take a close look at him. She looked up at Kara curiously. "Did you punch him?"

"I- uh, yes." Kara said, face heating up.

Professor Grant reached down and raised the sleeve of Jacobs's robe and shirt above his elbow. He struggled a bit against the ropes. Kara gasped when she saw a symbol brandished on his bicep right above the crease in his elbow. A deep, angry triangle symbol scarred his skin. Kara grimaced when she saw the deep burn marks pulse. Professor Grant nodded to herself and let go of his arm.

"What is that?" Kara whispered.

"The symbol of Lex Luthor. Only followers of his teachings ," Professor Grant spat, "have it branded onto their skin." She looked down at Jacobs with mild disgust. "Lex isn't doing a very good job at picking them though, is he."

Jacobs bared his teeth at her.

Professor Grant sighed and addressed the boy on the floor. "Now you have two choices." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You can cooperate, or I can extract the information from you- rather painfully."

"You can't do that! I'm a student-"

Professor Grant laughed. "Attacking other students is against the code of conduct. So is actively being a part of an illegal organization." She rubbed her hands together gleefully. "So as far as I, and the Ministry of Magic are concerned, you are no longer a student at Hogwarts."

Jacobs yelped when the ropes around his wrists tightened and then disappeared.

"Now. What is your decision."

"I- I-" He dropped his head against the floor in defeat. "I'll tell you."

Kara watched as two aurors grabbed Jacobs's shoulders and walked to the fireplace in Professor Grant's office. They nodded at her. "Headmistress." She rolled her eyes.

"Just get out of my sight already." She sighed watching as they threw the Floo Powder and disappeared in a bout of green flames. She turned to look at the three other aurors standing in front of her. "Find the others."

They nodded at her seriously and walked out of the office.

Professor Grant sighed and turned to look at Kara. "Do me a favor and never become an auror." She turned around and walked to her desk. "All of that leather makes me feel nauseous." She muttered. Kara followed her and sat down in the seat in front of the desk. "I'm calling Henshaw to get the other Danvers." She stared at Kara thoughtfully. "I want you to accompany him."

"Wait- seriously?"

"I'm always serious." Professor Grant sighed and waved her wand, sending a piece of paper flying out the door. "It should be safe now that the aurors are tracking those little traitors down."

Kara nodded and grimaced when she thought about Maggie.

"And use the wand you won from that idiot. It will obey you much better than that boring wand due to the nature of the duel." Professor Grant said and took a sip from her tea cup.

Kara took out the forgotten wand from her pocket. "How did you know I had this?"

"You forget that I am a Divination teacher, Kiera."

"R-right." Kara said, embarrassedly.

A few seconds later Professor Henshaw appeared in the fireplace with a flash of light. "I understand there is a problem?"

"Yes. The older Danvers is locked away somewhere and I need you to fetch her. Use this one," Professor Grant gestured at Kara, "-to bring her back safely."

Professor Henshaw nodded. "Of course." He turned to Kara. "Let's go."

Kara walked beside Professor Henshaw. There was a painfully awkward silence between them, at least in Kara's mind.


"We don't need to talk."

Kara deflated and nodded. They walked to the astronomy tower and to the locked cellar outside. Professor Henshaw waved his wand at it. The lock didn't click open like they expected. He tried again. Nothing.

Kara grabbed the lock with her hand. "I've never seen a lock like this."

"It's different. Someone installed a new one." He looked at Kara. "You try."

Kara let go of the lock and looked up questioningly at Henshaw. "Really?"

"Yes, really." He rolled his eyes. He watched as Kara walked back a few steps and took out the new wand from her pocket. She tested the weight in her hand for a second and then pointed it at the lock. She waved it and silver sparks shot out, splitting the lock in half with a loud clack!

Kara looked at Professor Henshaw excitedly and he rolled his eyes again. "Move back." He walked in front of Kara, wand drawn, and opening the door to the cellar. A jet of red light flew inches above Professor Henshaw's head. Both of them ducked and spun around, holding their wands in front of them.

A figure in a black cloak was flinging spells at them. Kara couldn't see the person's face. She blocked the spells as the came to her. Henshaw looked at her and nodded to the left. She nodded back and they ran in opposite directions. Henshaw doubled back to protect the cellar. Kara used her vantage point to send spells back. She gasped when a particularly vicious curse was cast at Professor Henshaw, throwing him back 20 feet and into a tree. Kara sprinted towards the cellar, quickly blocking and dodging the rapid fire of spells cast at her.

The figure walked closer and she watched as a stream of blue light shot out from the forest. The spell hit the cloaked figure with deadly precision.

Kara looked up from the unconscious body and to where a lone figure was standing.

"Maggie?" Kara asked with disbelief. Her blood ran cold when she saw the mark on Maggie's bicep.

"Yeah- I- we need to get Alex away from here-"

"Why should I trust you!" Kara yelled, interrupting Maggie. Maggie sighed and walked over to the body. She pulled the hood away.

" Lillian Luthor? "

Maggie nodded. "They're trying to lure you- I- we don't have much time." She began to look desperate. "We- we need to get Alex."

Kara stared at Maggie, still distrusting of the girl. Her eyes moved back down to the symbol, painfully pulsing on Maggie's arm.

"I- It's not what you think-"

"You get Professor Henshaw." Kara nodded to his limp body by the tree. "I'll get Alex-"

Maggie nodded and ran towards Henshaw, slumped against a tree. Kara ran towards the cellar, taking in a deep breath.

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