Chapter 1: I Won't Back Down

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"I know you didn't splash water on your face and dried it completely that fast" she said.

"That guy that walked in late was in there and he scared me" I said pulling her along.

"Wait what class do you have?" I asked.

"Algebra" she said and I released my breath.

"Good me too and that means we have lunch together too" I said with a smile.

"Come on Justin lets go before you start jumping and clapping like a stereotype" she said rolling her eyes.  

We got to class as the bell rang and the teacher smiled at us. Even on the first day of school I wanted to sleep in this class. I was dosing off when the bell rang and I raised my head. 

"Are you coming?" Jules asked until she saw my eye.

"I'm going to kill him! Your face is already turning black and blue" She yelled causing the teacher to turn around and look at us.

"Who?" she asked.

"No one now lets go Jules" I said pulling her from the classroom.

Lunch was stressful there was so many people and the only open table was next to the giant section. Halfway through lunch a shadow looked over our table and we looked up to a smiling giantess. I quickly put my head back down.

"Hi, My names Brook. What your names?" she asked gently.

Jules said hi back and introduced us and I looked back up and she saw my face.

"What happened? She boomed causing half the cafeteria to shut up.

I looked away, "Its nothing...I've been through worse" I said in a monotone voice.

Something snapped in my head and I felt numb. I got up and walked out of there with Jules shouting for me to wait. I sat in the court yard staring off into space when that fucker showed up again with his possy.

"What do you want?" I asked .

"Oh you growing a pair there half-ling?"he mocked causing his friends to laugh.    

Than the ground started to shake and that same guy shows up. His shadow loomed over me and he had a evil smirk. Derek and his boys ran away like cats when they saw the shadow.

"Well, well what do we have here?" he said menacingly. 

I just looked up and shrugged and looked back down. I heard his leather jacket make noise until he grabbed me and raised me to his beautiful eyes. 

"This is when people usually run...What happened to your face?" he asked.

"Why should you fucking care? I'm just a bug to you and a fucking abomination to them. Well get in line buddy the beat up the tiny half human half giant because I can't make room for you to beat me up too" I screamed. 

He put me down, "I like your spunk no one ever stands up to me" he said with a smirk.

"Good for you now fuck off sir because I won't back down" I said.

"The name is Juan tiny and I'm half-ling too" he said before walking away.

I saw Jules and Brook run to me, "Did he hurt you?" Jules asked.

 "No The bad boy saw my eye and cut me some slack. Why?" I asked.

"Well, rumor has it that Juan has killed people and always makes people's lives living hell" Brook said.

"Well great I have that dumb shit Derek trying to kill me and now I might be a possible killer's toy" I yelled throwing my hands into the air. 

The bell rang like it was answering me, "Do either of you have Psychology next and than history?" I asked.

"I have both" Brook said.

"I don't have either" Jules said.

"Well my fellow tiny half-ling I'll call you tonight" I said jokingly.

"You both are half-lings?" Brook said sadly.

"Yeah" I responded.

"I don't care but, that does explain why you two didn't run from me for dear life" she said with a smile.

"Thank you" Jules and I said before going our separate ways. I got to class and took a seat next to the giant section and Brook sat next to me. All of the other human sat on the other side of the human section which caused me to roll my eyes.

In that section sat Derek and I wanted to run for the hills. After class I asked if Brook could carry me. She saw my pleading eyes and held her hand out for my to step onto. I looked back and Derek looked like he was about to explode with rage.

We go to history and the teacher smiled seeing me in Brook's hand. Brook set me down on the human side and we sat next to each other again. This class went by too fast for me because I was scared of what would happen after it with Derek and Juan.

The bell rang for dismissal and I had to go the front of the school. 

Well...Shit was all I thought.

I Won't Back DownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant