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Todoroki made his debut at the fighting scene. I was quite happy to see him, seeing that I was the only one left who was able to fight. I'm still as unseasoned in battle as ever. Todoroki explained what led him over to our location. I'm appalled that Izuku thought of something that fast!

"(Y/n), give me back up!" Attacking Stain, Todoroki glances in my direction and pleads. I nod obediently as I pull out my dual wield pistols.

"Roger!" I roar confidently. Without hesitation, I began shooting.

2 bullets, left pistol

2 bullets, right pistol

Step back with right foot, turn body so left foot lays perpendicular to right foot

Shoot simultaneously with both immediately after.

I continued to replay that sequence in my head, just like my mother told me to. She also stated not to focus too much on it, as it could ruin your focus on the enemy. That is a number one no-no on the battlefield.

"Todoroki, don't show that guy any blood!" Izuku warns Todoroki from the ground. "In all likely hood, he can rob his opponents freedom by ingesting blood orally! That's how we got taken down!"

"So that's what that blade is about, huh?" Todoroki says without taking his eyes off of Stain. "Well, I can just keep my distance..."

"I find it ironic that I am a blood manipulator and yet Stain isn't targeting me."  I thought to myself with a sense of relief as I continued to back up Todoroki. Well, it seems that I had jinxed myself. As if he could read minds, Stain darts his eyes towards me and launches what looked to be a knife directly to my face.

"Move out of the wa-" Todoroki's eyes widened as he attempted to warn me.

"Shit!" Barely evading the attack, I scream as the knife cuts my eye slightly and leaves a semi-deep gash on the side of my face. It is quite rare for me to curse. I suppose it was just in the heat of the moment. Shortly after the knife got me, Stain rushes right towards me, leaving me almost little to no room for reaction.

It seems that I was protected once again.

Todoroki shoves me out of the way forcefully. Stain had gotten very close to...licking my face? Before he got to Todoroki after he shoved me out of the way, I quickly manipulated my blood into a barrier that separated those two from each other. Fortunately, it worked. Stain retreated to get the sword he threw up into the air.

"Todoroki, are you alright?" I ask as I get up with a bit of a blurry eyesight. It was mostly coming from the eye that had gotten scraped, but it wasn't completely blinding. I still had my other eye, of course. Blood continues to trickle down my face. "Sorry for not acting quick enough. I don't know what I was thinking."

"I should be asking you that. After all, you rely on blood and your eyesight. Your eyesight is probably a bit hazy and it seems like you have lost some blood, so fall back a bit." Stepping in front of me defensively, Todoroki prepared for another attack. "Keep giving me back up, alright? It's working." He reassures.

"Okay, I'll try my best. Don't expect too much, though." I smile with a light heart, even in this situation. It seemed to have relieved Todoroki a bit. He turns back around towards Stain and creates his signature giant ice mountain thing while I continued to shoot at him. One bullet grazed his arm, which was progress. Not enough, sadly.

"Attempting to block the view of oneself from an opponent that is faster than you." Stain sneers as he sliced up the mountain of ice. "How inane."

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