Just as they were about to hit, the broom finally responded and unsteadily leveled above the surface of the lake. Kara and Lena's feet and legs were soaked with freezing water in the process. Kara slowly brought them over to a small dock on the side of the lake and landed unsteadily while attempting to support Lena.

Needless to say, the both fell ungracefully on the dock which shook violently. Both girls rolled onto their backs, breathing heavily. They both stared at the sky, unfocused. Kara sucked in a deep breath.

"That was awesome!" She yelled gleefully, pumping her fists into the sky.

Lena swivelled her neck to look at Kara grinning at her. Kara was a soaking mess, hair sticking out in every direction, face red with excitement. But her smile.

Oh her smile, Lena thought while shakily bringing her hand up to move the hair from Kara's face.

Kara was beaming, warming Lena up right to her shivering bones. Eyes squinted, cheeks red and quivering, Kara looked stunning. It took the breath out of Lena's lungs.

"Y-yes." Lena stuttered. "It was incredible..." She closed her eyes. "I've never felt so free-" Lena snapped her eyes open. "Does it always feel like that?"

"Yes!" Kara said, laughing. "It's the most exhilarating feeling in the world. Flying is my favorite thing." She sighed.

"I do hope you're a better flyer than you showcased today." Lena deadpanned, enjoying the pout that surfaced on Kara's face. "Very dangerous if you want to continue playing quidditch."

"I was- I was distracted!"

"By what."

"Um- I, uh- stuff." Kara settled on and winced.


"Yes! Let's move on! I'm freezing!" Kara said loudly and punctuated her statement with a shiver.

Lena sighed, realizing that she would get nowhere and took out her wand. Kara watched Lena wave the wand in a complicated pattern and watched with awe as hot air spouted out. Lena pointed the wand at Kara, allowing her clothing to dry as she warmed her up with the hot air. She then pointed the wand at herself and sighed contently when the water evaporated from her thick sweater and Kara's scarf around her neck.

"I've never seen that charm!" Kara exclaimed, sitting up. "What was that!"

"A hot-air charm." Lena said while getting up. She extended her arm to Kara and pulled her up when she grabbed ahold. "I'll teach it to you if you properly teach me how to ride a broom."

"How am I supposed to 'properly' teach you?" Kara said, raising her eyebrows.

"Maybe go to the library and do some research for once."

"I- I go to the library!" Kara said indignantly, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Kara, I have classes with your sister."

"Oh, right." Kara's arms fell back to her sides and she pouted again. " Fine. I'll look up how to teach someone how to ride a broom. It can't be that har-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Lena interrupted, giving Kara a withering glare. "We just nosedived from over a- from over a hundred feet in the air!"

Kara winced. "It wasn't that ba- " She stopped when she saw Lena's burning eyes, daring her to continue the sentence. "O- okay that was pretty bad."

"Yes. That was really bad, Kara."

"Don't be mean to me! I was distracted!"

"Mean to you?!" Lena scoffed. "And by what!"

"By you!" Kara yelled and then flushed deep red, clamping her hands over her mouth.

"Are you trying to insult me?!" Lena yelled back and marched off of the dock back towards the school.

"No! No- Lena, come back here!" Kara sprinted after Lena and grabbed her arm. "I wasn't trying to insult you! I just-" Kara rubbed her forehead. "I just never rode a broom with anyone before!"

"O-oh." Lena said quietly.

Kara nodded embarrassedly. "We, um, we should probably go eat lunch now." She laughed nervously and jerked her hand away from Lena's arm. "It's almost one o'clock."

"W- wow, that late, huh!" Lena said, trying to stop the blush from rising up her neck. "That- that sound's like a great idea."

"We could- um, we could eat in the Hufflepuff common room? If you'd like? It's always really cozy there and there won't be anyone there." Kara said while rubbing her hand on the back of her neck.

"Yes, I think I'd like that." Lena said as she smiled at Kara. She took Kara's arm and began walking them back to the castle. "I think I'd like that very much."

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