
Kara threw off her blankets and scrambled out of bed. She ran around her room, frantically grabbing clean articles of clothing. She tripped over her broom and fell flat on her face. Kara groaned and rolled onto her back. She brought her hand up to her lip, touched it, and looked at her hand. Blood covered the tips of her fingers where she touched a cut.

"Shoot! Dang! Darn it!" Kara whispered angrily and grabbed a tissue to put on the cut. She quickly changed into her quidditch sweater and jeans and wrapped her yellow and black scarf around her neck. She grabbed her broom and wand, and sprinted out of her room towards the quidditch pitch.

The halls were almost completely empty. It startled Kara, after becoming so accustomed to everything being crowded and noisy inside the school.

Kara mounted the broom once she exited the building and flew over towards the quidditch pitch. A lone figure sat in the stands and even from far above, Kara recognized it as Lena.

Kara circled the pitch and landed unsteadily, stumbling a bit before stopping. She looked to her left to see Lena blinking up at her. Kara tried to smile, but then winced again remembering the cut on her lip. She took the tissue off her lip and clenched it in her hand nervously.

Lena got up out of the stands.

"You're late." She said while taking in Kara's ragged appearance. Lena's eyes focused on Kara's lower lip. Her eyes snapped up to look into Kara's eyes. She sighed and walked closely to Kara. She pried the tissue out of Kara's grasp and dabbed at the blood. "What happened?" She mumbled with concern, moving closer to inspect the cut.

"U-uh, I, well I tripped over my broom." Kara said breathlessly, watching Lena move in closer to look at Kara's lip. Kara swallowed when she was close enough to smell Lena's perfume.

Lena shook her head and laughed. "Would you like me to heal it for you?" She looked up at Kara with hope in her eyes.

"O-oh! Sure!"

"Alright." Lena said quietly, face heating up a bit. She took out her wand nervously. " Episkey." She whispered.

" Shit!" Kara yelped, bringing her hand up to her lip. Lena laughed and grabbed Kara's wrist, moving her hand away so that she could wipe away the remaining blood. "Couldn't you have chosen a less painful healing spell?" Kara whined.

"Maybe I thought you deserved it for being so reckless." Lena said and laughed when Kara's face heated up.

Kara ducked away from Lena's grasp and cleared her throat. "O-okay! Quidditch!" She said cheerfully. Kara turned back to look at Lena. "How much do you know? Just for reference, of course."

"Near to nothing."

"You- you- !" Kara took a steadying breath. "You haven't even been to a quidditch tournament?" She whispered, clearly scandalized.

"No reason for me to go." Lena sighed. "I'm not exactly the biggest Slytherin house fan." She laughed.

"You wouldn't even go if I asked you?"

Lena blanched for a second, staring at Kara. "Why would you ask me?"

"Because I want you there, of course!" Kara exclaimed. "You could-" She gasped. "You could be my number one fan." She stared off into the stands with a crazed smile on her lips. Her eyes darted back to look at Lena.


Kara strode back over to Lena and wrapped her scarf around Lena's neck, nodding satisfactorily. "Just as I suspected." She mumbled and looked up at Lena's reddening face. "You look great in Hufflepuff colors." She beamed at Lena and walked over to the chest filled with quidditch equipment. Lena clutched at her heart, breathing heavily. She willed for the deep blush on her face to go away before Kara turned back to look at her.

Lena watched Kara take out a red leather ball from the chest. She followed the ball with her eyes when Kara threw it up in the air a few times, getting a feel for the weight.

Lena cleared her suddenly dry throat. "W-which position do you play anyways." She asked while she fiddled with the tassels on the end of the Hufflepuff scarf around her neck.

"Hmm?" Kara said, turning around to look at Lena.

"What position?"

"Position?" Kara squeaked.

Lena rolled her eyes. "Quidditch position. What position do you play."

"Oh! Oh." Kara nervously laughed. "I play keeper." She said puffing up her chest proudly but then deflated. "I might have let in a few too many points though so I was benched for a few games." She grumbled. "It's not like Jacobs is any better than me."

"Oh I have no doubt." Lena sighed, looking at Kara. "How do you want me to help you, anyways-" She smiled grimly, "Considering that I don't know the first thing about quidditch."

"Um..." Kara stopped to think for a second. "Wait! Maybe I could teach you!"

" Teach me? "

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