Chapter Twelve: I Learned From The Best!

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You didn't imagine this day would come. You didn't expect for this to happen sooner. You were jealous. Of Frisk.

Of everyone you should be jealous about, it had to be a human child. It had to be your unrelated sibling.

Why did it all come to this? Well, it all started that one faithful morning where Toriel decided that you and Frisk had a private sibling time. And it just so happened that Grillby invited you over.

Upon hearing this, Toriel insisted that you take Frisk with you. Thinking that it was the best time to be able to spend some quality time together. Convinced by your own thought that nothing bad will happen, you brought the child along.

But you didn't expect something like this would happen.

Before you, stood the only creature you've ever loved so deeply, dancing with a little human. Moreover, you're sibling. You continued to give the child a glare, determined to create a hole on their head.

"gee, kiddo. you look—"

"Finish that sentence, Sans. I dare you, finish it—"

"-brothered." The skeleton finished otherwise. You seized the glare on the child and shoot it towards the skeleton who grinned mischievously back at you.

"How do you even know the child's a boy?" You questioned.

Sans just casually leaned to the counter and closed his eyes. "i don't." He stated, earning a look from you. "don't look at me like that, kiddo. have you ever had the guts to walk up to someone and ask them what's in their pants?"

You cringed as you tried to picture what the skeleton was trying to imply. "exactly." He sighed, "until then, the human is undetermined. they didn't fall as an adult like you, y/n."

You nodded, letting him know that you understand whatever he was trying to tell you. "so, tell me, kiddo. is someone . . . jeeeeealooooouuuuus?" He questioned you, and you swore that if he had eyebrows, he would put them in good use.

You tried to glare at the skeleton only to get even more frustrated. You washed your hands to your face and groaned silently. Making sure no one else takes notice of this. "It's just . . . Grillby and I were suppose to spend this time together. And now, well, it should be obvious shouldn't it? I'm here sitting with you instead of there, dancing with him. Heck, I didn't even know he could dance until now!"

Sans scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "geez, you make it sound like it's a bother sitting with me." You gave the skeleton a look that says more than a thousand words. But this only made him laugh, catching the attention you were trying to avoid at all cause. "god, y/n, you're so punny!" You nearly cringed at the pun, but stopped midway from doing so as you realized what Sans was trying to do. He never called your name unless necessary or unless it was serious.

You took a quick glance at Grillby who now had his full attention on you. Even the human child, Frisk. You couldn't help but grin and turn to playfully punch Sans’ shoulder. "I learned from the best!" You giggled.

Sans groaned at your touch and rubbed the part where you connected your fist. "geez, kiddo, calm down." He whispered harshly.

"I panicked, okay?! He's looking this way and I had to act—Shh, shh! He's coming!" You hissed as you composed yourself, and so did Sans.

". . . Hello, Sans. I didn't realize you were here . . . ." Grillby spoke with his usual raspy voice.

"Skelly!! Skelly!" Frisk chimed, making you feel the guilt of ever glaring viciously at the child.

"welp, it does feels kinda nice to not get recognized, right, y/n?" He questioned, elbowing your sides slightly. And you silently thank this skeleton for helping you with your problems with Grillby.

"Of course." You grinned, elbowing him back and even went far as to wink at him. This seemed to anger the fire creature more.

". . . Well, did you come to pay your tab?" Sans immediately perked at the mention of his tab, and you cursed him for being a lazybones. As quick as Sans’ expression came, it was gone.

"nope. tori told me to pick up the kid. if you don't mind, i'm afraid i'll have to cut your little dancy short." Sans grinned, "see ya, kiddo." He told you, even going far as to winking at you for effects.

"Sure. See ya, Sansy." You teased, and you immediately felt an arm snake around your waist. You couldn't help but hide a clever smile as Sans and Frisk left.

"You were jealous." Grillby pointed out once the door to his resto had been closed.

"So were you." You countered. Slowly, you craned your neck just in time as he was carefully leaning down. And softly, he planted a chaste kiss on your lips.

"You're so fun to tease." He chuckled, but it soon melted into a serious expression. "But don't tease me."

You rolled your eyes at this. "Oh, so you can tease me, but I can't tease you?"

Grillby nodded at this. "It's only adorable on you."

"Whatever, hot trunk." You scoffed, but didn't bother to move an inch away from him. Upon noticing this, Grillby hid a joyous smile and pulled you closer. "Don't get too excited, Grillbz." You kid.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll try not to." And you were left flustered.

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