Chapter Nine: What's So Funny?

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It was your first New Year as a human in a relationship. It was your first New Year being together with Grillby. And you couldn't have been happier. You had a reason, a very different and gleeful reason to come to Grillby's during the holidays now. And it was—

"Happy New Year, Y/n." He greeted you once you entered his bar. You replied by giving him the most cheeriest and widest grin you could ever muster. You liked it this way.

"New Year's just a couple more minutes away, Grillby. Don't get too excited." You teased, sitting on your usual seat. He immediately slide your usual drink across the counter and you caught it before things get out of hand. You cringed at your own pun, the short skeleton had engraved his glorious puns on you.

Grillby's chuckle snapped you from your thoughts, and it amazes you how the man chuckling before you was finally yours. "I was afraid you wouldn't come." You were a bit taken aback by what he said.

"Why wouldn't I?" You asked, looking up at him with your eyes sparkling with adoration.

Grillby gazes back at yours, and past his glasses, you could see his eyes. You couldn't make out what it exactly looked like, but you could tell he mirrored the same emotion you had imprinted on yours. As he opened his mouth to speak, you heard the familiar sound of fireworks.

Your eyes immediately twinkled in delight and you scrambled to grasp his hand. You took hold of it and dragged him away from the counter and outside his bar. As you slammed the doors open, you were welcomed by the beautiful and spectacular colors of fireworks.

Your mouth opened ajar as you gaze at the exploding colors in awe. Everything was so much better here in the Underground. "Grillby, look at the—" your words were cut short as you felt a familiar yank on your wrist. Your stomach churned as your mind reminded you of the sick things that happened to you in the surface. But all of those were washed away by something that collides with your lips.

It was warm. And surprisingly soft. Your eyes slowly widened as you saw a familiar pair of glasses. The vibrant color of your lover's skin was met before you. And slowly, you let yourself melt into the kiss.

This wasn't much what you expected for your first kiss. You wanted to be those typical couple who would kiss in the rain after a heated argument. Or maybe even to kiss in front of a jealous ex-lover. But this . . . this was way more ravishing. A kiss under the exploding colors. The kiss under the fireworks.

His lips moved in perfect sync against yours. And your cheeks heated up more as you realize how good of a kisser he was. His hands were located at the back of your neck and at the small of your back. Pulling you closer and closer.

Until he pulled away. With you gasping for breath. His hold around your waist and neck still didn't come loose. And you were thankful no one was watching since they were engulfed by the beauty of the fireworks.

Your eyes stayed in tact with his. Cherishing every seconds that you were able to see it. "Never," Grillby started, his voice sounded so out of breath. "Never look at something with so much awe in your eyes except me."

It took you a while to realize what he said. And when it did, you laughed as hard as you could. His face scrunched in confusion as he watched you howl in laughter. Grillby, the man of your life, your boyfriend, was actually jealous of fireworks. FIREWORKS.

"What's so funny?" He asked unsurely.

"You!" You exclaimed and giggled once more.

"And why am I funny?"

You couldn't help but laugh some more. It hadn't even been a week in your relationship and Grillby was already jealous. "You're jealous," you giggled, "of fireworks?" You questioned with a silent laugh.

A bright hue of pink dusted over his cheeks. "N-No, I'm not."

Your eyes widened and burst out laughing once more. Never in your whole year of the Underground did you ever see him so flustered and stuttering. "You're adorable when you're jealous." He growled disapprovingly at this.

"For Asgore's sake, that thing is made out of fire, Y/n! What do you expect me to do?" You bursted out laughing once more. His outburst didn't help much in calming you down. But his stare at you did.

"Okay, I'm done. I'm sorry." You panted, but his look didn't waver. You held back another laugh and bit your lower lip from forming a huge grin. "Okay." You raised your right hand, "I promise to never look at something in awe except my partner, Grillby." You let your lips draw that toothy grin as Grillby managed a small smile. Slowly, he pulled himself away from you, but kept your hands intertwined.


"SANS?!" A flamboyant voice called, the shorter skeleton pushed himself off the wall and grinned brightly at the taller skeleton.

"yeah, pap?"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING PEEKING OVER THAT WALL?" the taller one questioned, then his eyes sparkled brightly, "OHH, IS IT ANOTHER HUMAN?! TELL ME, SANS, IS IT?!"

"nope. something better."

Curious now, the taller skeleton took a peek behind the wall. "OH! OHH!! SPAGHETTI!!!" he cheered and picked up the plate of spaghetti. But little did the cinnamon roll skeleton knew, that his precious big brother had a sneaky photo in his cellphone. Sans admired the photo in his phone which consists of you and Grillby tangled with each other. Lips moving in sync.

After a while, Papyrus then returned to his beloved robot to share his found spaghetti. And Sans was quick to act to prevent them from doing a Lady and the Tramp scene and possibly have this entire book sued for copyrights.


Sup, duderinos slash dudettes?

I sincerely apologize for the late update. Exams just came up and I've been stressing over this play we're suppose to have.

Luckily though, they took me out of the role!!

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Where are those damned party poppers emoji when you need 'em?!


There it is. Okay, so, uh, don't expect anything.

But do know that I'll try my best to post as daily as I can. We may have different timelines, but . . . yeah.

See ya.

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