I sneak through the girls going inside without a ticket, but the guy by the door, who apparently was collecting the tickets said "Excuse me, Your ticket please?". "Oh I'm with them!" I say excusing myself and ran off inside. "Hey wait up!" I say to nothing but thin air so he wouldn't notice that I was completely lying through my teeth. Good thing the security bought my cheeky scam.

I go inside the dressing room quietly, slightly hoping nobody was there. I open it and gladly, no one was inside. I rummage through the whole dressing room as fast as I could possibly can. But unfortunately tripped over a bag that was standing there by the door. There was a slight faint noise of me dropping on the ground and whispering ''Ouch". I hear someone call out "Hey mom, Is that you?" from another room just near the couch. It was Austin. Oh no! He cannot see me here. I hurriedly find a place to hide. Well, attempted to. I hear the knob turn and I was about to jump behind the couch. When suddenly I see someone step out that room.

Too Late, He saw me.

"Amber?!" Austin said surprised, "What are you doing here?". I didn't quite look him in the eye. I was, as you can say, avoiding to try and stare at those gorgeous green eyes of his. So I say "Hahaha! Yeah, It's me! Silly me. Why am I in here? Okay bye!" I say then quickly got out of the dressing room and was about to head out when I bump into Robert. Robert Villanueva, He was also Austin's bestfriend. "Hey watch it gorgeous! I might fall for you" He says. I blush which I think he notices because he says "Aww I made you blush, You know what? A dinner date sounds fun tonight at Olive Garden, See you at 7pm!". Did Robert just ask me for a dinner date?! Wait! Am I really having dinner with Robert tonight?!

"Hey Robert! I'm Amber" I say catching up to him again as he walks towards the stage. I hold out my hand too for us to shake but he takes it and kisses it which made me blush entirely. "I know your name babe, You were also 'U Girl' last night". I nod and he then says "So see you tonight yeah? Bye!" Robert winks at me then continues to walk off again, This time I didn't bother to stop him again for questions.

That does it! I'm having a dinner date with Robert tonight. I had no idea what was gonna happen but I'm excited. I got home and even tweeted him.

"@Robert15JGod Deal! Olive Garden! See you! xx"

And after only a few minutes he replies and finally follows me which made me scream. His tweet says.

"@Dj_aMeezy Yay! See you! ;)"

I see a tweet from @grrlyjelly which says "OMG! YOU ARE SO LUCKY! CONGRATS!" I reply with, "Thank you love!" Then close my laptop. But my phone beeps, Austin tweeted.

"I never really had her, But why do I feel like I'm losing her". I retweet it and then got ready for my dinner date with Robert tonight.

I decided to take Alexia with me since I didn't wanna feel uncomfortable. She totally freaked out when I told her. "What?!?! I'll be right over!" was the last thing she says before she hung up.

* * *

When Alexia got to my house about fifteen minutes after. She was already geared up for the dinner date. She as always was wearing a cute little dress on which she looked absolutely gorgeous in. She even let me borrow her blue checkered dress too which was a tube top paired with some white stiletto heels.

We then headed off to Olive Garden. It was 6pm, Our usual dinner time was at 7pm. We came in early just in case. We saw that Robert wasn't there yet so we sat down on the first vacant seats and waited for him to come.

After a few minutes we see him come through the door. Followed by Alex, Zach, and Austin.

All of Foolish 4 are here?! I avoid Austin's eyes since I was too shy too even look at him after that incident earlier, I was so embarrassed. "Hey Amber!" Robert says as he scoots next to me. "Hey!" I says as loudly as I can but it's still sounds like a whisper. "So, what are we having tonight? Amber, You pick babe" Robert says as he pulls his arms around me. We probably looked like a couple at the moment, I didn't really care. I mean come on! It was Robert Villanueva! What can I want more right?

I grab the menu but what I was really doing was looking at Austin secretly. He wasn't his flirty self today. Was it because of what happened? Or Did he think I was avoiding him? These thoughts were roaming in my mind like bullets. Plus, I haven't even eaten since last night. I was a bit dizzy too. Thinking made me stressed out, I felt like fainting. "Excuse me" I say as I got up to go to the restroom. I check to see if anyone was inside, There was none. I washed my face in the sink and sit on the floor. I wasn't feeling very well to be honest. I'm quite guilty about avoiding Austin too.

"Amber? Are you in here?" I hear Alexia say. "OMG! Are you alright?!" she screams as she saw me on the floor with my eyes closed.


So Chapter 2! :) How'd you guys like it?! I had no idea what was on my mind. The concept of this story confuses me so I just go with whatever my mind thinks I should add as a new chappy! ;)

Yeah! Give us feedbacks, VOTE and COMMENT too! :) Follow me on Twitter! @TheButerauhl, I'm always there! Bye! xx

Stay Weird, Stay Crazy, Stay YOU! Oznapitsbizzle

Incomplete // Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now