Chapter Two

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The meet and greet started just right after the show, All the girls were in a long line that goes until outside the stadium. Mahomies who were first in line where already crying in the thought that they were going to meet their idol.

I on the other hand left the concert since my dad came and picked us up before the meet and greet even started. But, I made sure to take lots of pictures during the concert. We made a stop by Alexia's house do drop her off then headed straight off.

The moment I set foot on my room I log on Twitter and check Austin's profile. His last tweet was.

"Texas Mahomies! Get ready, I have arrived"

Which was about four hours ago since the show wasn't finished. He hasn't been able to tweet. I post the picture of me on stage as the 'U Girl' with it I say.

"Guys! Guess who the 'U Girl' is!?"

I suddenly get tons of retweets and tweets of some people quoting it to Austin. I log-off Twitter and decided to eat dinner since it was past seven. I grab some chocolate cake from the fridge and eat a slice.

My phone beeps. It was a new tweet from Austin. I get notified on my phone every time he tweets. It says.

"I'll be you Brad Pitt, If you'll be my Angelina" This was attached with my picture as the 'U Girl'


I then realized that the cake I got from the fridge earlier was now splattered in a huge mess on the white kitchen floor. I clean it up before my dad sees and head upstairs to tweet Austin about the picture.

"OMFG! WHAT?! AUSTIN! ASDFGHJKL!!" I reply to the tweet he just recently posted. After a few minutes he replies.

"Hey Angelina, I'm Brad" with a wink emoji and hearts. That set me off to about 110% feels and and about 0.1% Oxygen. I kept tweeting him the same tweet about 74 times after he replied, which was "OMG AUSTIN!". He even tweeted back saying "OMG AMBER!" I was completely shocked on why he knew my name, How can he possibly now my name? I didn't even tell him a single letter.

I decided to log-off and sleep since it's about 11pm. I get in bed in my pajamas and suddenly realize that my bracelet was missing, I noticed because every night before I go to bed I always look at it. It was a customized bracelet that said 'Amber'. My mom gave it to me on my 9th birthday and I never took if off, I had never misplaced it until now. Where could it have gone!

*Back in Austin's House*

"Hey Austin, Honey, I found this on your dressing room earlier by the couch" Michele says to Austin. "It must be from that cute girl earlier that was also my 'U Girl'?" Austin says holding the bracelet in his hands. "So her name was Amber.." Austin says aloud. "Sweetie, You like her. Don't you? I can feel it" Michele says. But Austin just blushes in return. Michele giggles and walks off.

*In Amber's House*

I swore I look everywhere! I say to myself. I can't find it! At that moment a flashback of where I last saw it played in my mind. It was back in Austin's dressing room, It must have fallen when Alexia accidentally bumped into me when she fell into unconsciousness. Shit! Oh God! I hope it's still there.

I try to sleep that night hoping that the bracelet would still be there when I attempt to sneak inside the stadium and into Austin's dressing room tomorrow to look for it.

* * *

Today was the last day of Austin's concert in Dallas. He was flying to New York tomorrow. He said it on his tweet this morning.

Incomplete // Austin MahoneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ