Twenty-five trials

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Her room was the same. Completely no difference.

It had the same peachy white walls, her things disorganized on the floor. Her beige carpet was dusty, not even touched. Notebooks and papers all scattered everywhere, all regarding schedules and scripts.

She never noticed the smell of her room before, maybe because that was what she smelled like everyday. Like Vicoria Secret perfumes all mixed up together.

She was used to the scent of sea salt. Her favorite. And she missed it.

She carefully changed into some cupcake designed pyjamas she found in her closet, all tidied.

Stepping into the bathroom, a painful memory shot in her mind, the time she had thought of ending her life in the very same bathtub perched on the side of her luxurious lavatory.

Her eyes widened as water flowed from the faucet. She hadnt seen it in a long time. She was used to getting water from a well.

She cleared her throat and wiped her hands on her pyjama bottoms. For a moment, she didnt know what to do, just staring awkwardly at the ceiling of her first class bedroom.

Her eyes examined the room, and finally it landed on her laptop.

She jumped, grabbing it, and quickly opened it. Her eyes widened and her fingers trembled. Let it be here. Please. She begged in her head.

Opening a folder, she gave a sigh of relief. Her parents hadnt seen it. Of course. They didnt even bother to ask the household to clean her room. Point taken, Millie clicked on the document file and let her fingertips scroll on the mouse pad.

Birth certificates, scanned to softcopies.

Millie sighed, closing her laptop, and letting her body fall to the soft cushion of her bed.


Morning the next day, Millie went down cautiously to find her parents both eating breakfast. Forgetting family culture, she sat down to the chair near them as in the farm, she always ate with people.

Kelly and Robert both looked at her with wide eyes. Millie snapped back into reality, and felt tears form in her eyes.

She wiped them subtly as possible and stood up, getting her plate, and went to the farther edge of the dining table, but before she could make a step, Kelly's cold fingers like claws clasped her wrist, and Millie was forced to stare into her eyes.

Millie didnt expect it to be as it was. She was expecting a cold and piercing gaze, but instead, it was brimming with tears.

"It's time you are confirmed of it," Kelly whispered quietly. "Through your stay at the farm, we checked your laptop and saw a document."

Millie's heart filled with horror and dread, fear and terror. All along, she had been working on a theory she had always tried to forget, but it always came to her.

"You are partially correct, Millie." Robert's voice was trembling, his shaky hands dropped the piece of pancake stabbed with the gold fork. "Correct, but not fully. You are my child, but not Kelly's."

Crack. All Millie could hear was breaking glass in her ears, and she stumbled, almost falling. Her fingers found the arm rest of her chair, and she staggered into place.

"Kelly and I had Beverly, but we started thinking of a divorce. It didnt work out as it used to," a tear fell from his eyes as he spoke.

"Before the papers were read through legally, I had found a woman I had loved as well; your mother." His voice cracked.

Kelly's eyes turned dark, and she forced her stare down to lap. Millie stared in horror.

"But she died right after having you. And by the time, Kelly had asked for a remarriage." Robert's voice was quivering. Millie's feet stuck to the ground as her eyes seemed to be glued in his eyes. "I--I.." she was stuttering, her lips dry, her tears were falling, her ears were ringing, and all at once she wanted to fade.

She had always wanted and yearned for a reason, just one reason to explain the indifferent way she had been treated. But now, she wanted to stay as that naive girl who thought that she was belittled and neglected for no cause.

"I didnt hate you Millie," Kelly spoke. "I was deeply jealous of you. I hated your talent, I hated your charm. I hated all the things you could do because my child, she couldnt do those things because of cancer."

"I hated the fact that you were the cause of the pride of your father's name. And I.." her tears were falling endlessly. "I apologize for it."

It dawned on Millie. Everything did. Each and everyone of them, they had their sides of the story. Their difficulties and trials that molded them into the worst versions of themselves.

In a way, they were all similarly broke by heartbreak.

Millie wrapped Kelly into a hug, her sobs eating her lungs. Feeling her warmth for the first time, it was surreal.

Both cried, cried harder than ever before, and Robert couldnt help but join them.


Finn inhaled the fresh air of the morning. He ruffled his hair as he just awoke from his rest. A smile formed upon his lips as the memory of last night came to him.

He walked out without even changing from his sweats and strode to Millie's hut, his eyes glittering with happiness.

Townspeople had been informed of her untimely leaving just an hour ago. But everyone kept mum.

Finn was too happy to notice the silence and sad looks among the people around him. Clint was among them, and he closed his eyes.

Joann was silently sobbing in Killian's embrace.

Finn opened the hut and his smile vanished completely.

Millie.. Millie Bobby Brown was his trial.

cancel my funeral would u i have awoken

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