Twenty-three hours

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"This dress is pretty okay, but I think it's better if i wear the striped headband with it. What do you think?" Millie questioned, getting a floral dress from her luggage, showing it to Sadie.

"I dont really know," Sadie answered, rubbing the back of her neck. She wasnt used to these types of fashion sense, quite embarrassed at Millie but also guilty that she coudnt help her.

Millie then realized how Sadie would've felt and brought her palms to her lips, then walking towards Sadie. "I didnt mean to, Sads." Millie said softly, "i didnt mean it like that."

Sadie smiled and gave a friendly hug to Millie. "Its alright. Its just really new for us since.. we dont go to the city often. We just stay here in Columbia, in a farm." She sighed, tucking a loose group of strands of hair behind her ear.

Millie's lips curved uneasily into a smile and grabbed a white lacy dress. She smiled at it and hugged it to her chest.

"Sads, this would look great on you." Millie remarked. Sadie shook her head. "Nooo, hahaha.." she laughed nervously stepping back a little.

Millie giggled. "Just try it!" She told her with a smile.

"Okay then.." she said blushing scarlet. "I'll give it a try."

She came back, her head bowed down, smiling awkwardly. Millie's jaw dropped at how beautiful Sadie was out of her faded flannel and her old jeans.

"Oh my God, you look amazing!" Millie exclaimed in awe. "Let me braid your hair to polish the look." She said while gesturing Sadie to sit in the chair below her.

She quickly took a brush and started to comb the smooth and silky red hair. It was easy to braid as her hair was naturally pretty and soft.

Millie took her phone. It was her last full day here in the farm in Columbia.
She had planned to document everything; little aesthetic and picturesque views and landscapes, multiple images of Caleb and her, Clint, pictures of the children, Sadie, and of course.. Finn.

"Picture, smile Sadie!" She said smiling at the camera.

She also took a solo picture of Sadie near the nipa hut porch wherein the view of the beach was visible. "These are beautiful, Sadie." She said, showing the red head the pictures she took.

Sadie was overjoyed. She had felt amazingly appreciated as a girly image. She wasnt given these oppurtunities everyday.

"I'll wear this floral dress--" she said while picking up a pink dress with little daisy designs all over it and a pair of white doll shoes. She clipped her hair neatly and put the tiniest amount of lip gloss.

She had discussed with Finn a special date she arranged. It was a surprise, for it was to be Finn's first city experience.

Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Finn, wearing a plain white shirt and camouflage designed jeans. His hair was naturally curly and his hands tucked in his pockets, his feet awkwardly shuffling.

"Hey," He laughed as Millie took a candid picture of him. Most her pictures of Finn were candid and she loved them all. Her wallpaper was a selfie she had taken with Finn.

"Let's go?" Millie asked while smiling at him widely.

"Let's go."

It was their last go, their last moment together. Finn didnt know, clueless as all; he knew she would leave but never knew exactly when.

But Millie knew. How many hours It was away.

That night was special, it was surreal.

It was full of a lot of Finn's firsts but a ton of typical stuff for Millie. But even if so, it still made up a perfect and wonderful day together.

The last.


The door creaked noisily, his fingers trembling a little as he opened it. His eyes watered as the sight of his wife standing emotionlessly at the terrace, her knuckles white, holding onto the metal rail.

"Kelly?" Robert called weakly.

Kelly didnt give any sign of acknowledgement but Robert knew that she could hear him. "I know you hear me." He managed.

She turned to him. The bags under her eyes were dark and deep, her lips dry and chapped. Her hair was frizzed together in a ponytail that barely even held the strands of her hair together.

"Yes?" Her voice was coarse, like rock salt clogged in her throat.

"It's 3 months now." He replied.

It took a time for her to think. What did he mean? 3 months of what?

Her mind raced wildly about Beverly, thinking sudden thoughts about 3 months of Beverly. Through out the period of mourning for Beverly, Millie never crossed her mind.

She didnt consider that the bond Beverly had with others wasnt just about mother and daughter, she had a certain relationship with her sister that only they had.

"It's Millie, Kelly." Robert croaked; he knew she didnt think of Millie as she took so long to answer.

Her blood froze, her insides took into a halt. She forgot she had another daughter in South Carolina, in a farm in Columbia.

"Oh." It didnt linger in the air or trail off. Just a short and swift "oh".

There was a moment of silence.

Robert opened his mouth to speak, but Kelly's cold and dry voice had echoed in his ears.

"Then lets get her."

Soooo i think u all have an idea about what happens next :( last 2 chaps :^( 🤔 the date btw is something for the sequel 💖 -delia thanks for 12k u guys are 💣

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