Chapter 16: Cold Spell

Start from the beginning

The next morning, in the lunchroom the Squadd, except Michael, is having breakfast. 

"I just don't get what the monster wants with us," says Hajari.

"By the looks of things, Michael is next," says Kajari.

"Where is Michael anyway?" asks Hajarianna. 

"He's trying to break the spell Sun-Hi put on Mirta," says Hajari.

That night, everyone pretends to go to sleep. The monster comes into Hajari and Michael's room. Michael feels its presence and gets up.

"Squadd, this is it!" says Michael.

Michael tries to tangle the monster with some vines but it runs into the living room. Everyone else follows it. The monster looks like a giant goat with yellow, bloody fangs, and standing on its hind legs. 

"Oh good heavens, this monster is ugly and horrible," says Hajari.

"Magic..." says Kajari and Musa.

"Squadd!" says Michael, Hajari, and Hajarianna. 

Kajari, Musa, Michael, Hajarianna, and Hajari Fairy Transformation:
We kids are the Squadd (BASS)
Energy crazy
Our magic powers will defeat the evil deeds of Trix
We're the new ones, we're the Squadd.                                                                     
Squadd...Squadd power!...wings in heaven...we are the Squadd...Squadd!

 Michael tries to tangle up the monster, but the monster gets outside of the school.

"Hajarianna, can you teleport us outside?" asked Hajari.

Hajarianna teleports everyone outside with her magic scepter. The monster tries to attack Hajari, but Hajari shields himself from the attack. So, the monster increases his attack and knocks Hajari on the ground. Hajarianna helps Hajari up. 

"Hajari, are you okay?" she asks.

Everyone, except Michael and Hajarianna, is laying on the ground.

"Guys, what's wrong?" asked Michael.

"Last night's horrors have completely tired us out," says Kajari.

Hajari falls asleep.

"Hajari! C'mon! Wake up! Snap out of it," says Hajarianna.

Hajari manages to open his eyes. "Where's the monster? Where did it go?" asked Hajari.

"Over there come on," says Michael. 

  Back at Cloudtower...

 "Sisters, the time has come to give our monster a hand," says Sun-Hi.

The Trix teleport to Alfea. The monster tries to crush the Squadd by stepping on them, but they fly away before he does. Then, he tries to attack Musa.

"Oh, you wanna take me on, huh?" asked Musa as she gets mad and makes an explosive disco attack on the monster.

The monster increases his attack and knocks Musa across the courtyard of the school. Then, he attacks Kajari to the ground.

"I mustn't give in," says Kajari.

The monster is blasted by Hajarianna and Michael together. But then everyone starts yawning.

"What's going on? We're all exhausted," says Hajari.

"Who knows, but by the looks of things, you Squadds can still beat us even if you are split up," says Sun-Hi. Sun-Hi freezes Hajarianna and Michael in a block of ice. 

Hajari flies up to the Trix and Sun-Hi commands the monster to tie Hajari up with his tail.

"I must resist!" yells Hajari.

"Look at you, Hajari. You're a prisoner of your own fear," says Sun-Hi as all the Trix laugh evilly.

A flash of light appears and out of that light comes Ms. Faragonda.

"What are you doing to my students?" asked Faragonda as she and Hajari blasts the monster and defeats him together and breaks Michael and Hajarianna free of the ice. Faragonda flies up to the Trix. 

"Come on, let's get out of here!" says Sun-Hi.

 The Trix disappears.

Faragonda lands. "Can anyone tell me what happened here tonight?"

"We don't have a clue, Ms. Faragonda. All we know is that this crazy monster kept attacking us," Hajari said as he helps his brother from the ground.

"Yeah and we wouldn't wanna think about what would happen if you hadn't shown up," says Hajarianna.

At Cloudtower entrance, The Trix are walking back to their rooms all wet from the rain that occurred.  

"What a quintet of airheads!" says Sun-Hi.

"At least the weather is kind of nice tonight," says Corki.

"You idiot!" says Jodi.

As the Trix arrives at their dorm room. Ms. Griffin is standing in front of their door mad.

"I've been waiting for you, you stupid girls!" yells Griffin.

"Sorry ma'am," says Sun-Hi.

"Silence! Thanks to you, I've had to suffer the humiliation of being scolded by Griselda! And you won't do it again!"

"No ma'am, we won't do it again," says Sun-Hi.

"I said silence!!!  You won't do it again because you'll never set foot in here. Not now, not ever! Now get out of here and hopefully this is the last time I see you!"

The Trix walks away.

"Ugh!!! I'll put a curse on every last one of those Squadds. I swear they will pay dearly for this. I will triumph over them," Sun-Hi shook and balled her fists.

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