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"are you ready" he said as he tore my top off, i couldn't be more excited i finally was finally losing my virginity, losing it was special to me and was something i wanted to do with the man i loved Peter but how could i resist his best friend Jake. Our naked bodys finally collided it had felt like forever, his valorous hands skimmed down my teen body, they were getting further down to the untouched, as he pushed his hands through the elastic on my undies hes tongue rubbed down my chest. he kissed behind me neck as he wrapped his hands around my bare body and stripped me of all my clothes, just as i began to let out a moan the most inferior thing happened, the man i loved walked into the room.

"what the fuck claire, you low life dog. i thought we were waiting for the right moment, i didn't think you would dig deep enough to get into my best friends pants, i can't believe you". screamed Peter i was forfeit for words "i-i-i" i mumbled "i dont know ok" i screamed "you always act like you don't want to have sex with me, and i needed to have it" "so you had it with my best mate", i ran out i couldn't take the pain. There was a ripping in my chest.

 As i walked down the school halls the next day, glares and death stares were all i could see, not even my bestfriend casey would talk to me. "hey claire i hear you give a mean root" I got teased " ha ha very funny i don't know what you are talking about" "you know exactly what i'm talking about" snapped my ex ryan. Me and Ryan broke up last summer after i caught him cheating on me with a girl from school who was supposbly a "friend", i'd missed him alot and often thought about forgiving him as i know he still had feelings for me. I sat down in class in my usual spot i had an urge every boy i saw gave me an orgasm could it be that i was getting obsessed, obsessed with the feeling of sex!. that night i got home to the unfortunate news that my parents had gone away to california for a couple of weeks my Grandma was urgently sick...


A party! im going to throw a party i decided, it would help me get my friends back and it would increase my popularity. "hey everyone party at mine 34 flander street tomorrow at 7" should i press the button i thought in my head, in one press it was the popular topic on social media for a night.

"i'm in"  i'll bring the booze" "mad party" "180 guests"

these are all messages i woke up to, so many thoughts ran through my head, had i made a mistake i thought to myself. it was to late to go back, i prepared all day for my party i was intrigued with the idea of it.

the night fell upon the day and the light soon turned into the dark. guests arrived in groups of 2 all the way to 15. it was 10pm the music was roaring, drinks were pouring and bodies were grinding. i let lose drink after drink after drink, i let all my troubles go. "hey sexy, you look beautiful tonight want to hit the bedroom"  I turned to see my ex Ryan standing over me "only if you can impress me" i replied, i did miss him and wanted to get back in his pants. we rushed into my room, i ripped my top off and squezzed my tight denim jeans off, Ryan was ready waiting for me. i jumped on top for my first time and groaned and moaned as it went in and out of my body, "faster! faster!"  he yelled, the pleasure was amazing, i slowed as i was getting tired we had been going at it for two whole hours. he sucked my back leaving a big love bite and it was as if we were devouring each others faces, this moment was so intimate i wish it could of lasted longer. then something inimagible happened. i noticed a little red flashing light in the corner "are you filming", i yelled "is that a problem", he said suprised. "that is disgusting, I HATE YOU" i screamed, i burst into tears and ran out.


"check this video out" this is the message i recieved the next morning. I had no time to look i was busy cleaning my home which had turned into a dump. i couldn't remember much after 9pm i wondered what had happened. there was red cups all  over the floor, barbies on the barbeque, a man sleeping in my lounge room, streamers everywhere and the strong smell of alchol. i spent all day busy cleaning and sterilisig the house from the stench. I finally got time to sit down for an afternoon snack, then i remembered the message i received earlier. I clicked the link on the message and it opened to a extensive site, a site about me!!. i perceived the information on the site, it was a site about me i read "rooting her boyfriends bestfriend and now making a sex tape whats next", i was astonished i had never made a sex tape in my life and never wanted to! and then it came to me last night with Ryan , he must have shown people the video. HOW EMBARASSING!!!

"slut" "get a life" "loser"

all these messages kept bombarding through facebook and texts and even instagram. i felt lost and like everyone had turned on me i had no one to talk to, no friends, i couldn't tell my parents and the last thing i wanted to do was see a counceller. I made the worst decision i could of made i messaged Ryan "listen we need to talk come over now". ten minutes later there was a boisterous, solid know on the door, my heart bounced Ryan had arrived. i invited him in and made him my favourite passionfruit cocktail. "listen Ryan delete that video" ,i said "you know claire im not going to do it" ,he replied "please i really need you too", i begged, "theres one thing you could do", "yeah and whats that" i said "have sex with me now and i'll delete it" he offered. the offer was irresistable i needed the video gone and it wasn't that bad. 

Ryan grabbed me like i was weightless and pushed me up against my lounge room wall, his tongue slipped down my throat the same as his hands slipped up my top. he wripped my bra off and began agressivley squezzing my chest "ouch" i screeched. then he wripped my pants off and layed me against the lounge, his clothes were off and our sweaty naked bodies were rubbing up each other. He rolled on top and his tongue moved from my mouth further and further down until it reacher the bottom, it felt like i had bugs in my panties. he then worked his way up again. when we were finished after a 3 hour session he said there was one more thing we had to do tomorrow, have a breakfast date with him and his bestfriend I agreed who wouldn't.

The next morning i was awoken by the chirping of my mum's pet bird. "oh shit" it was 9 and i had the date at 9:30, I rushed frantically in a panicking mood around my house getting ready, finally it was time to leave i got the 9:20 bus to Ryans house, i arrived to the smell of fresh cream and strawberries. i knocked on the door with butterflies in my stomach i was so nervous. "oh hello claire please come in" Ryan shouted. his bestfriend Chad was sitting on the bench in the kitchen with 3 bowls of pancakes and icecream, "i'll be ready in a minute" Ryan shouted. "hi chad, how have you been" i asked "hes been fine" Ryan butted in as he sat at the table next to me. During breakfast Ryans hand rubbed inbetween my legs, i had decided to wear a short skirt today with a lace G-sting. i could feel his fingers getting close in my box and i was beginning to feel uncomfortable, "lets hit the room" he whispered "what about your friend" i asked " he can come", Ryan replied. I didn't like the idea but i needed the video gone so i agreed. We all walked into the room Chad sat on the chair in the corner while me and Ryan began, he licked me for abit and then i rolled on top we were going at it pretty fast, there was no time to have a connection. "umm claire can Chad join", i was put on the spot and agreed. Chad jumped ontop of me so we were like a sandwich. I couldn't take it though, the pain if someone found out would kill me. I grabbed my stuff and ran to the bathroom, i squeezed my skirt on and pulled my top over my head. I left through the back window and ran two blocks too the nearest bus stop. The pain in my gut was unexplainable, so many thoughts ran through my head! maybe i am the slut everyone says i am. I grabbed the bus fair $2.50 and jumped on the bus, the ride home felt like forever.

When i finally reached home I ran up to my room and burst into tears. How could i of become the person i am? just the other day i was  a innocent girl with her heart set on one person Peter!. He was the guy of my dreams, we would talk for hours on MSN and our phone calls went forever i felt like i could tell him anything, he was the only one i trusted. I should've just waited until he was ready and none of this drama would've started. That night at home i was lonely and all i wanted was Peter, his dreamy blue eyes and his felicious bone structure lying there next to me. Then i got a idea i would text Peter!. 

"hey peter it's me claire, sorry i haven't contacted you in a while i've been really busy theres alot going on in my life right now and its so overwhelming. You were always the one i could talk to when i needed you and you would always understand what i had to say. we used to talk for hours and i really miss that. I'm so sorry for what i did, it was wrong and i never should of done it. I'm just so impatient and selfish, love claire xx"

i sat their anxiously waiting for a reply but there was nothing. i slowly fell asleep with lots of thoughts running through my head 

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