Part 3

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Logan pov
Lily start crying and I feel sorry for her so the only way to comfort her is hug her so I hug her I start saying comforting word for her so she stopped crying

Lily pov
It's wrong but it's feels right when he hugged me but he's my kidnapper I can't fall for my kidnapper" L-Logan" "yeah" "why are you hugging me? Is it because you pity me? Cause if it's pity I don't need it!" I said harshly " n-no it's not it's because" "because of what!" " nothing!"he said harshly back at me and then he's out the door, what!!

Logan pov
My heart beating so fast w-why am I nervous? I- I think I like her no no no no I can't like her she maybe hate me so much because I kidnapped her i scream because it's to stressful " aghhhh" I scream

Lily pov
I hear a scream and I flinch because it's startled me and I realize it's him i-it's Logan is he okay? I said nervous I start calling him but there no answer "Logan!" "Logannn!" Is he okay? I start squirming I fall and land on my side ughh I'm so stupid how am I gonna save him if I'm like this?? I start crawling and finally reach the door and knock it with my head and it's actually opening and it bang my head so hard and I fall to the side and I feel something wet in my forehead and I realize it's blood it's b-blood I scream!!

I'm sorry it's a short chapter cause I don't know and I'm 14 fourteen yo

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