" Maybe," Star shrugged. "I haven't been on here, for, like, half a year. I'll have to check my friends list."

The school was big, and there were a few hundred students, but the fact that Star had been here three years and James two was enough to reassure me there was still hope. Maybe they would be linked through mutual friends on there or something. But then again, Star might not have even used Facebook much last year- and now I knew exactly why. This type of sh*t could put you off the internet forever.

She tapped into her Facebook easily, remembering her password as if it were just her name. I don't know, maybe it was. The second she was in, she started scrolling through her friends list, hunting for a 'Ken Astin'. Oh, pardon me, James.

"What's his surname?"

Due to the fact I was just thinking about this, I could answer quickly, and she could find him in an instant. I hadn't bothered fiddling around much on Facebook in the past week or so, and I certainly hadn't tried sending him a friend request. God, that would pretty much be suicide- I imagined him Facebook messaging me stupid comments from the other side of the dormitory. And so, since we weren't friends, his profile picture took me by surprise.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said in disbelief. It was probably the cheesiest profile picture ever taken for Facebook, and usually lame selfies like this popped up everywhere, so I shouldn't be surprised, but for James...

I didn't even have the words to explain it.

As his profile filled the screen, I almost burst out laughing. His picture was him and a familiar-looking blonde girl, all huddled up together smiling like they were in Disneyland or something. Her hair was flat and straight and she had so much lipstick on, I was surprised James wasn't caked in stains from it. He was standing beside her, grinning and putting on a stupid macho look that made him look like a wannabe Superman.

"That's Bridgit," Star suddenly said, and when I saw her face she looked like she was sucking on a lemon. The mere sight of the new Queen of the Party on the screen was enough to make her sick. At first I was worrying about that pissed look on Star's face, but then I went back to worrying about why Bridgit was in James' profile picture.

"Why's Bridgit on here?" I asked, scanning the page in search for clues. It only took me a moment to work that one out.

"Status- in a relationship," Star read aloud. She looked really mad now, but I wasn't going to tell her that. I'd have to be suicidal to tell a girl how angry she looked. Anyway, I had different things to think about. Like how the hell James was currently in a relationship.

"Jesus," I exclaimed, stretching over her shoulder to view the screen. Sure enough, there it was. Right there in black and white- 'in a relationship with Bridgit Evans'. It occured to me that now our entire plan was basically about to come crumbling down, but that wasn't the biggest thing for me right now. I couldn't believe it.

"Who would have thought that womanizer could mantain an actual, long-time relationship?" I exclaimed, almost to myself, because Star seemed too wrapped up in cursing Bridgit to hell to notice. When I returned to reality and she was still swearing- well, not really, but you know, just hating on the girl- I had to ask what was up.

"Why do you even care if she's dating Ke-James?" I said, a little confused.

"The girl's always better," she replied. Simple as that. "She's always been just behind me for everything, you know? Second most popular girl in school. Second prettiest, second most-liked, just second best. She's been here since I joined, and she's in our year. Always second best right up until now."

"No offence, Star, but you were never really the best to James," I admitted. "I mean, had he even met you before today?"

She shook her head, eyes still glued to the screen. "No. But that's not the point."

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