Chapter Eight

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Broken Hearted – Eight

Chapter Eight

Josiah P.O.V

I flicked through the photo album.

When was the last time I saw my mum? My REAL mum.

10 years back? The last time she was sober.

I had to see her. Did she even know that her son was dead? Well her favourite son. Jeremih was everyones favourite.

I stood up and walked into my parents’ room. I knocked.

“Come in Joey.” My mum said. I walked in to see my Aunt/Mum and dad sitting down.

I looked at her. I respected her so much, the way she took on me and Jeremih like we were her own. She couldn’t have kids. Aunt Marie was my real mum’s sister. My dad was my mum’s first love...and then he met Aunt Marie. Everyone blames Aunt Marie for my mum’s drug addiction. But I personally think and believe that it’s my mum’s fault. As she never introduced my father to the family and when she did it was too late, my father had already fallen in love with her sister. And plus no one forced her to take drugs. It was her decision.

“Hello earth to Josiah.” I blinked.

“Sorry about that.” I smiled at her. “Dad can I speak to you’ll only take a minute.”  I said.

“Go on then.”

“In private.” I murmured.

“Josiah!” My dad said. And I realised what I said, how rude it sounded.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t...I didn’t mean it like that. I’ve just got something really important to ask. Sorry mum.” I said.

She shrugged. “I need to go anyways. I’ve got work, in abit. Have a good day okay baby?” I nodded and she kissed my head before walking out.

“What is it son?” My dad as I sat down.

“I want...I want to see mum.”  I murmured.

“You what? Re phrase that please.”

“Stop that man, just give me the rehab address and number and I’ll be gone.” I said feeling agitated.

“Who you shouting at son? You best come correct.”

“You know what f*ck you. I’ll find out from someone else. Does she even know that her son is DEAD! 6ft under.” I kissed my teeth before picking up my phone and side bag before leaving.

I knew where I needed to go. Damien’s. He was sure to know where I should go.

I brought out my phone and dialled his number.



“Yo, I’m busy holla back yeah.”Damien started  

“Oi, don’t hang up.”

“Josiah? Is that you?”  He asked               

“Check caller ID.” I said before jumping on the bus.

“Oh yeah, can I help?”

“Are you at yard?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I’m waiting for someone to come and then I’m leaving.”

“Stay for abit. I’ll probably get there in 10 minutes max.” 

“Aite cool.” I hung up and walked up the stairs.

As I was walking to the back, I noticed a girl with a baby.  She looked around 18 and she was hot! I looked at the baby in her hands. Cute. I sat down behind her.

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