chapter 10

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"I..uhm" I stuttered before pulling my hand to my mouth biting down on my knuckles.

"Answer my question then!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry." I shouted back.

I bent down an started clearing the glass.

"What was you doing going through my stuff?" Josiah asked anger clear in his voice.

I ignored him and carried on.

"ANSWER ME!!" He shouted. I jumped back in shock cutting my hand in process. I screeched in pain and watched as blood poured out of the wound. 

"Oh , I'm so sorry Kaila" Josiah said before rushing up to me. I pushed him away and rushed into the room identified as bathroom. I opened the tap and let the water flow onto my hand. I winced slightly but kept it under. 

I felt arms wrap around my waist and go up my arm to my hand. I smiled and kept my mouth closed.

After the blood had gone I dried my hand. I turned around to see him still with his hands placed firm on my waist. I looked up at him and put my hand on his face fingering his piercings. He licked his lips.

"You alright now babes?" Josiah asked.

I screwed up my face.

"Babes? Babes? My names Kaila not babes" I said while flicking his chin. He laughed.

"Why you stubborn Kaila?" I felt my cheeks redden at the way he said my name."Blushing now our we babe?" 

I kissed my teeth and walked out into his room to see the rest of the glass on the floor surrounding the picture on the floor.

I picked it up carefully and looked at it before looking at him. He bit down on his lip before walking into a cupboard and bringing out a box.

"Who's this?" I asked while looking at it carefully.

He ignored me. 

"Josiah?" I whispered. He ignored me once again. I sighed before standing up."Ignore me then, do you need help with anything?". I asked while looking down at the contents from the box.

"Nah, you've done enough. Just what do you want to do for our project?" He murmured. 

"Anything as long as I can model" I smirked and he looked at me with a plain expression before turning away. 

"Alright, well here, sketch out some things you wanna wear or look like okay?" He threw me a sketch pad and magazine.

"Oh alright." I sighed and sat at the sofa in the far end of the room. I looked at the magazine and flicked through the pages. 

I turned the page and sighed.

"What?" He murmured.

"Tori Carter, she's everywhere" I kissed my teeth.

"That's your mum? WOW!" He said while licking his lips at the picture.

"Stop don't" I said before turning the page. He turned away and carried on painting the image on the canvas.

I flicked through the magazine and stopped. I gasped. This was it! Perfect. 

"Josiah! Josiah, I've found it. The perfect look. Looook!" I tapped him and showed it.

"Aw yeah, I can work with that. You'll look beautiful." He said while looking me up and down.

I felt myself blushing. I ripped the sheet out and stuck it onto the sketchpad.

I watched him closely. The way his eyebrow curved into his face. The way his eyebrow piercing became a feature. The way his eyes sparkled. The way he held the paint brush. The way he did things.

Broken Hearted - POSTPONEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें