Chapter Four

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Broken Hearted


Kaila’s P.O.V

“How could you? 10 years wasted. The amount of girls I turned down because of you and you pay me back by sleeping with my BROTHER!” My father shouted.


“Who said I was finished?! Not once, but five times! I knew you were cheating but didn’t want to say anything.” He shouted.

“Yeah, ma how could you do that to our dad? He loved you more than he loved himself. Why’d you gotta be such a sket?!” I shouted.

“KAI MAN! Stop it, seriously! Stop calling her that. That’s our mum man! Your acting like you aint beat and aborted a baby before!” Khalid shouted out. My mouth dropped in shock.

“W-why?! Why would you say that? We promised to never talk about it again!” I shouted. “You idiot!”

I turned around to see both parents watching me now.

“You’re not a virgin?” My mum asked.

“Wait, I know for a fact that my baby girls a virgin. She aint a slag like her mum so, don’t even try it.” My dad said and I smirked.

I could feel eyes burning into my back. I turned around to see Khalid looking at me with disgust clear on his face. I shrugged.

“Jordan, please. I don’t know why I done it. Jordan please, forgive me. I’ll do anything!” My mum said while grabbing his arm.

He swung back and hit her in the face.

“DAD!” I gasped. He’d never hit her before.

“WITH MY BROTHER!” He shouted.

“I’m not done, theres more.” My mum whispered.

“More, more?! Ok tell me.” My dad said. She looked up at Khalid and then back at my dad.

“Khalid’s not yours. He might not be yours...”

“WHAT? WHO?” Khalid and my dad shouted at the same time.

“Terry.” That was my dad’s brother. I could tell he was going to switch. He screamed out before running up the stairs

My mum dropped down crying.

“Why? Why? Jordan please baby!” She shouted.


I walked out of my room in my colourful tribal printed skirt. I bumped straight into Jayden and the contents from my bag dropped out.

“Argh, why you so hench? Better question, why are you still in my house?” I asked

“I was just about to ask you when you gonna let me beat you, but I guess someone got there before me...” Jayden said while picking up the test that had dropped from my bag.

“Give that back...”  I snapped while grabbing it and pushing it into my bag.

“Is it Kenan’s?”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” I kissed my teeth.

“Sorry boss, but I care about you init. My best friends little sister.”  Jayden said while winking at me

“Well don’t open your mouth to Khalid.” I said while hugging him and walking off.

I jumped down the stairs to hear:

“I’m sorry mummy.” I stepped in to see Khalid hugging my mum. I joint in. I’m guessing this was about what happened yesterday with my dad.

“Its okay, my beautiful babies.” She kissed both of our cheeks before standing up. “I deserve it.”

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