Prelude to Madness

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He woke up on a cold table with his hind legs and fore legs tied apart, so it looked as though he was an X marking a spot. "You're awake Darling!~" a familiar voice said in an excited and slightly lust filled voice. He looked over, still groggy and shook his head, now becoming aware that he was completely bare of one article of clothing and that his captor was- "Rarity? What in the hoof happened?? Untie the ropes will you? It's getting uncomfortable. I also have to get us out of here!" The Doctor said as he looked around at the torture like room seemingly filled with bloody torture tools. All Rarity did was giggle and sit in the corner of his vision, watching the Stallion struggle to loosen the ropes, but to no avail. "Silly stallion! That's not going to do anything! I would have to untie you and let you go! But I'm not going to do that!~ No, I'm going to do this!~" she slid her hoof over his line of sight as her horn glowed. The confusion only grew worse as the illusion faded away, the cold room becoming warm, the table turning into a nice comfy bed, the room turning into a nicer, but still a little foreboding room. Instead of torture tools, there were toys, whips, body harnesses, gags, bottles of some liquid that he could guess was Lubricant by judging from the surroundings, blind folds, and rings that he gathered were cock rings. The Doctor took this all in with a dropped jaw. "What......the... where am I Rarity?!" "Why, your in my play room Clockwork!~"


The Doctor grunted as the TARDIS objected to his flying skills once again as he tried to escape the pursuing Daleks. "Yes yes yes! I know my driving is terrible! Now hush!" He ran around the Console, flipping a switch, then twisting the Atomizer, pushing five different buttons and lost the Daleks in the Time Vortex, also trapping them in a Time Paradox in the process. "Ha! We did it Old Girl! We lost them!" Doc said exuberant and stroked the Console, which was paid in return with a sort of TARDIS purr, you could say. Just then, a ding went off and he looked at the Monitor that had completely alien symbols that only he could read, seeing as he was the last Gallifrayan alive to his knowledge, and noticed that he had a meeting with the Mane Six that was about to start.

"Dear almighty Celestia! I'm going to be late if I don't hurry!" he said in alarm. See, thing is, he couldn't be late if he wanted to. My TARDIS is the best ship in the Universe, and it travels through Space and Time. He could go anywhere in the Universe with the TARDIS, and he tries not to make losing the TARDIS a habit. He ran around the Console again, getting ready to land.

After flicking some switches, pushing some buttons, and pulling a couple levers, he pushed the Materialization/Dematerialization Lever and Materialized in the correct place and time, then hurried out the doors, shutting along with locking them, and hurried into the large, Crystal chamber that had a round table in the middle, which was normally complete with six chairs, but a seventh had been brought out for him.

He looked slightly disheveled as he barged in, interrupting the small talk. "Am I late? What did I miss? Anything important??" He asked in a hurry and, causing some to smile, some to smile and raise their eyebrows slightly. "No, your not late Doctor, you didn't miss anything. Have a seat and we may begin the meeting!" A light purple Alicorn said as she motioned for him to sit in the seventh chair in between Rarity and Applejack.

There were six mares all together, one per chair. One was light Cyan blue with a rainbow mane and tail, complete with a set of wings. Her name is Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in all of Equestria. The pink earth pony, one who has no horn or wings, is Pinkie Pie, who had a darkish pink mane and tail, and was very hyperactive, always positive, and loved to bake.

The pony who sat next to Pinkie was a Pegasus who was a light yellow color while her mane and tail were a lighter pink than Pinkies', and has the name of Fluttershy. She is quite shy, which was a minor reason for her name. The pony who was next to Fluttershy, had a purple coat, mane, and tail, along with a purple horn and a purple set of wings. Her name is Twilight, and she was actually a princess in training I guess you could say. Twilight is the head of the mythical Elements Of Harmony so to speak.

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