Leo, still grinning, drew two fingers across his lips, twisted them, and acted like he was throwing something over his shoulder.

"Lips are sealed."

Piper looked away, slightly afraid as to what her friend was up to. A majority of the time, a grin meant nothing good. But the more she thought about it, the less everything made sense. What had Leo done to get a personal escort ?

As they walked, both McLean's took notice at the people and foods around them. Women wore more fancy and expensive dresses and jewels. Men looked to be wearing new, freshly tailored suits and shiny gold watches. The foods and beverages also seemed to be made for the highest of classes.

As they glanced around, they only found unfamiliar faces. Then Tristan caught sight of one and gasped. Piper and Leo looked as well to see what had caught his eyes.

Standing near a banquet table talking to someone was a woman, beautiful no doubt. Her white, glowing, curled hair was tied up in an elegant updo with a braided crown and slight white silver shone mixed in with crystals woven in and around the updo itself. Around her neck was a red stone hanging from a golden chain, sparkling in the light. The satin, off-the-shoulder dress she wore was the perfect shade of red rose, hugging her curves. The woman turned her head, looking in their direction. They noticed her flawless smile, and kaleidoscope eyes. If that wasn't enough, that infamous smell of Chanel N°5 making it exceptionally obvious as to who it was.

The woman excused herself from the man she was speaking to before making her way over to them. She smiled, looked at Tristan. Tristan, who was still in shock, had his mouth wide open. Piper had to nudge him in the side for him to close it.

"Tristan, long time, no see."

"You too, Aphrodite."

Aphrodite turned to Piper, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Oh, Piper, how I've missed you. You never come to visit!"

"Sorry, Mom," Piper apologized, pulling away to look at her directly. "You've just been too busy lately that I didn't want to intrude."

"Nonsense, you're my daughter. I'll always have time for you."

Aphrodite took her arm gently, leading her away so they could continue their conversation. Piper glanced back over her shoulder, sending a plea for help to her father and friend. Leo shook his head, letting her know that she would not be receiving any help from him. Piper mentally sighed, knowing she'd be stuck with her mother for longer than she'd like.

As she was whisked away, Piper thought that maybe the reason they were led into the classier area was because of her mother. But then how would Leo know about it? She would expect her father to know more than Leo. And both of them knew that she wasn't as fond of her mother as some would lead to believe, so did either of them know?

It was another hour before her mother let her go, and when she did it's because someone had asked to dance with Piper. She was about to decline the offer, but Aphrodite encouraged her to accept. Piper was then pulled onto the dance floor, joining in traditional dances for an hour and a half before she was able to sneak off.

Leo caught sight of her and rushed over.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "I'm going to get some food and find a place with no people."

Leo glanced around. "I doubt you'll be finding that."

"I can try."

Leo followed her, picking up a plate and filling it with food. While balancing the plate on one hand, they picked up a glass in the other before looking for a quiet place to sit. They found one in the gardens near a hedge. In front of the hedge was a stone bench where the two chose to sit and enjoy their meal.

Disguises ~A Jiper AU fan fic~Where stories live. Discover now