Little Miss: Chapter 29

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**** Nyla's POV ****

I woke up to the smoke alarm in my house. I got up lazily, knowing that my mom was trying to bake again.

"Nyla!" I hear screaming

My door flies open and in comes a worried Cole. He runs over to the bed and picks me up bridal style off my bed, and then runs down the stairs with me in his arms. I don't know why I didn't say something to him, after all I was mad at him.

We were finally out of the house and Cole put me down onto the driveway. He then ran back inside and came out 5 minutes later holding my phone, Mac, camera, and my uggs. I looked down and started blushing because he knew I would go back in the house and get them myself.

He hands me the uggs and I put them on quickly, because I did my have any shoes on. I turn to look at Cole and start speaking.

"Why is the smoke alarm going off?" I ask him

"Your microwave just freakin exploded! I don't even know how in god's name it managed to do that! And then it just starts firing up! So like your whole kitchen is on fire! " Cole explains

"Where my mom and brother?" I ask worried about where they are. After all I haven't seen them yet.

"They had to run and get some stuff from they're rooms" Cole replied

As soon as he said that Dalton and my mom walk out with a duffle bag in hand-one for each of them.

"Nyla!" Dalton and my mom come over to me and hug me tight.

"Thank goodness you're alright!" My mothers says

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say "but I didn't pack a duffle bag!" I say sadly because all of my clothes are going to burn.

"Don't worry sweetie I ran into your room too and got some things for you" my mom says

Before I could say thank you to my mom the firetrucks pulled up and out. Running like wild geese into the house.


"We're sorry m'am but your kitchen is blocking out the stairway case, we are going to have to ask you to stay with someone or go to a hotel for a couple days till we can clear everything" The firefighter told my mom.

"Okay then, thank you sir" My mom says obviously annoyed that we couldn't stay in our house for a couple days.

"Well where the heck are we going to stay?" I say bluntly

"I guess we have to stay in a hotel for those days" Dalton says earning a nod from my mom

"You guys are more than welcome to stay at my house" Cole pipes in.

Why is he even here? I thought he left? It's late, why's he here?

"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble your mom" My mom says

"Yea, I'm sure. My mom is getting lonely at the house anyway" Cole replies

"Oh okay then, I guess we are going to stay at the Pendery's for the time being" Dalton says all cheery

"Yay" I sarcastically say

After that, the firefighter locked up our house so that they can clean up the mess tomorrow. My mom drove us all to Cole's house with our duffle bags to stay the days we have.


"Okay well I don't have another guest bedroom, but Nyla do you mind sleeping in Cole's room?" Mrs. Pendery asks me.

I flare up knowing that if I say no I'll get in trouble.

"No that's fine" I reply casually Smooth Ny, Smooth.

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