"Come on, Jan. Everything is perfect." I said to her as she bustled around the room trying to set it all up, now clad in a plush robe.

  "Alright, I'm done." She paused and took a moment to gather herself and look around.

  "Come here," I urged with a half smile. "Relax with me."

  "Alright, alright. I'm coming." She untied her robe and it fell to the floor gracefully, leaving her bare and a little timid. Still just as beautiful. I held out my hand for her as she stepped into the water. She sat opposite me, and I could literally see the tension leave her body as she closed her eyes and sunk further in.

  "Thank you, Jan. This is really nice."

  "It's nothing. Trust me."

  "So when are you leaving back on the road again?"

She sighed. "Ah, I don't know. Soon, of course. But there's supposed to be a show Arizona a few days from now. That's clearly not going to happen. I'm gonna say a week, ten days."


  "Which means, ten days of you and I, uninterrupted." Her voice got low and sweet. I smiled, and she motioned for me to come closer to her. I sat back in between her legs with my head resting on her chest. I could have fallen asleep this way. Janet smoothed my hair back, positioning herself to be more comfortable as well. We fit together like a puzzle.

  "Ten days of spoiling you rotten, just the way you don't want me to, ten days of conversations that let me into deepest, most intimate parts of your mind..." her hands roamed my body while her voice hypnotized me.

  "Ten days of breakfast at 1 in the afternoon, dinner at 4 in the morning, remember how we always used to do that? In 'n Out Burger in the middle of the night?"

  I chuckled. "Yeah, of course I remember. That same cashier that hit on you every time we went in. Even in the drive thru."

  "He was not cute at all."

  "Not in the least."

  "Toni, understand that it's going to be ten days, and nights, of my tongue all over you, and my hands in the places it can't reach...how does that sound to you?" Her hand dipped into the water and began to play with my womanhood softly.

  "It sounds amazing."

  "Ten days of you discovering your favorite positions and your favorite rooms to do them in, ten days of exploring what makes you weak in the knees, ten days to get creative, experiment..."


  "Aren't you excited?" She kissed my neck, then drew her hands from the water to fondle my breasts.

  "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't."

  "And on the 9th day, You're going to get your nipple pierced, so that when we come back, and it's all healed, I can show you exactly what you've been missing. Exactly the way you make me feel."

  "It's a deal."


There was a long bout of extremely comfortable silence between us, as the water soothed my body and the music did the same to my soul.

  "That feels so nice, Jan," I said as she continued to massage my breasts. Though it wasn't the usual eager lusting for her body, sex would have been the perfect end to this right about now. It was  a kind of soft, subtle yearning. Falling asleep in her arms would have been more than enough too.

  "That's good to you?"

  "Hell yeah."

  "Let me know when you're ready to get out, okay? I have clothes and stuff you can wear if you want, although you know that it's not at all required."

Old Friends (Janet and Toni Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now