Chapter 19 - Can't Escape

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Rosalie's P.O.V

"B-But...what if she...really knew where Romano is at?" I asked England as we slowed to a walk, panting for breath.
He shook his head, breathing heavily. "I really doubt it, Rosalie."
I bit my lip, but didn't say anything more.
"Don't worry, sis. We'll find them," America told me earnestly.
"Ja! It shouldn't be too hard!" Prussia said. "They have to be somewhere. On this island, at least. They can't be too far away!"
"Hopefully..." I mumbled, rubbing my arm. That image of Romano standing in front of that creature is stuck in my head. I couldn't push it away. I know now that it wasn't really Romano, but that moment...I really thought we found him. But the others didn't see him, I guess.
How does that little girl, who I thought was dead, know where Romano is? did she know my name?
"Rosalie, don't worry about what happened back there," America told me.
"I still have no bloody clue how the fuck that girl is alive, though. She was...completely lifeless when we found her," England said, not looking at us.
"I guess...I guess all we can really do now is find the last three notes, aru." China said, shaking his head. "We shouldn't focus on anything else but that."
"Ja," Germany said, brushing his hand through his messy blonde hair.
"Where do you guys think another note is?" France asked, crossing his arms.
"They could be anywhere, really." I said, looking down.
"Brilliant," England muttered.
"So...we keep walking until we find one?" Spain asked.
"Yeah, that seems like our only plan," America said, looking at each of us. "Unless someone has an idea?"
I managed a soft sigh, and then it was quiet. The only thing we can really hear is the rustling as our feet walked along the ground, our breathing, and the little voices I hear
Yep, I have voices in my head. I'm not even going to deny it at this point. Am I going insane? Do the others hear them, too? Is a Slender Man causing this?
The more I think about it, the more frantic I become to get away from the voices.
I know I twitched a few times as we walked, but I still need to hold back this urge to run and scream. It's so frustrating!
No, no Rosalie. Don't let them get to you.
I'm biting my tongue so hard I began to taste blood.
Rosalie, calm down.
I swallowed hard and looked at the others.
Some looked worried, pale, and stressed...some looked calm and confident.
I noticed that the feeling of being watched is stronger now than before, pressing down on me. Suffocating me.
I took a deep breath, but even that was hard to do. Are my hands shaking? I looked down at them, and confirmed it. I stuffed them into my pockets.
Ugh, I just feel horrible. Not just physically, but emotionally, also.
What if we never find the notes? What if we never find Romano and Italy?
Worse...what if we do find them, but they're dead?
An image of the both of Romano hanging lifelessly from a tree flashed through my mind.
And it'll be my fault, too. I didn't act in time, and now I probably had gotten Romano killed.
My heart pounding in my ears added to the voices. With each throb, my head throbbed, too.
I just want to sleep...
"You can't sleep."
I jumped a bit. Huh?
"You have to play his game."
Great. I really must be going crazy if I'm hearing a voice respond to my thoughts, unless it's just my mind being weird.
"You are crazy.", I don't think so.
"You will understand in time."
My eyebrows furrowed. What's happening?
"H-Hey, guys?"
I blinked and looked over at America, who's face looks confused and distressed.
"What?" I asked, slowing down to walk next to my brother.
"Do you think...a note could be at the airport?"
We were silent for a moment.
"Well fuck, he has a point there," Prussia said, scratching the back of his head in thought.
"So we should go find that airport then, non?" France suggested. "It's the only lead we have right now."
"Sounds good," I agreed. Thank goodness that airport is a small one or else it would take forever to find a note. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes the rest of the night just to find the airport.
And so, we began to pick up our pace, eager to find the airport.
But I don't know how much longer we can last. What would happen once dawn comes upon us? Would we still be stuck, searching for those notes? Or...
Or will Slender Man just take us all?

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