Chapter 4 - Almost Time

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America's P.O.V

Rosalie was just about to sing her part, but then, before I saw it, I had a horrible feeling running through my body. Dread fell over me like a heavy blanket, and I couldn't breathe. Something's wrong.
That's when something tall and black appeared behind the crowd in front of us. The figure is blurry, an inky black and white mess, and I can't focus on it. My surroundings seemed to twist around me, like a distorted dream.
The moment it appeared, a sharp pain struck my head and I winced. I gasped, unsure of what to think of this. What is that thing?
Then I saw Rosalie collapse, and I looked at her instead.
"What the hell?"
Immediately, I rushed to her. She had fallen off the table that we used as our stage and fell into the soft grass. I hopped off and knelt next to her, ignoring my faint headache that came out of nowhere.
I turned her so she lay on her back. Her face is extremely pale, and her breathing is quick and ragged.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder to lift her up a bit. "Rosalie?"
Her eyelids fluttered, but didn't open.
"We should get her inside," England said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern.
I nodded in agreement as I wrapped my other arm around and under her knees, then lifted her. Quickly, I turned to see the figure, and he's still standing there. He is behind everyone, they're all facing in my direction. They haven't seen him? Do they feel him? What do I do?
"What just happened!?" Romano demanded, standing by my side and he fidgeted, as if he wanted to be the one carrying Rosalie.
"She fainted," Germany answered.
"But why? She was just hopping around and singing, aru!" China said, shaking his head with his eyebrows raised.
"She's been feeling a little sick lately," I said hesitantly as I turned to head back into the hotel. Rosalie was right, that thing isn't human. If it isn't human, and if I, not sure what it is, then don't fight it unless I absolutely have to. I learned that the hard way. "I'm...I'm sure she'll be fine with some rest."
What does it want? From Rosalie, from us? What did it do to her?
"Sick?" Romano asked, incredulous.
"Yeah," was all I could say as I quickly glanced back to where I saw that weird figure. It's not there anymore. Instead, it seems way farther back, just within the trees, watching from afar. I couldn't catch much detail before the headache set in again and my sight blurred around the figure's image.
"What the hell are you standing there for?" Romano asked me and I met his gaze, looking away from the man in the distance.
"R-Right," I muttered, then I ran into the hotel and soon made it to her room with a few of the others following.
Once I set her on the bed, her eyes were open, but filled with exhaustion and another emotion that I can't really put my finger on...Fear? Anxiety? I swear I've seen that look from her before, but I just can't get ahold to what it means.
"Rosalie is okay, da?" Russia asked as he walked in, his gaze meeting Rosalie's.
She nodded wearily, sitting up and rubbing her head. "Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?"
"It appears that you fainted," England said, sighing a bit. "Again."
"D-Did something happen, bella?" Italy asked her, concern and knowing in his soft brown eyes. Wait...knowing?
She met his gaze, and it's like they're having a conversation through their eyes. "Yeah, I guess you can say that."
Prussia sighed. "Mein Gott."
We looked at him questioningly. I spoke up first. "What's up?"
Prussia seemed to hesitate, which isn't like him, but he replied. "Nothing."
"Preußen?" Germany's pale blond eyebrows furrowed at his older brother.
France and Spain looked at their friend in concern, then they glanced at each other.
My head is still spinning with confusion. What are they freaking out about? Do they see that figure, too? What even is that thing? It can't be human, it's too weird. It's like a creature, a ghost of some sort. And for some reason, it likes to watch us, tormenting us from a distance.
Then I blinked in realization. Holy shit.
I really need to have a talk with Germany.

Rosalie's P.O.V

I sighed and rubbed my head. It's bad enough that that creepy guy is causing me headaches, but now he has me passing out? Why is my mind unable to process even the sight of him?
"You need some Tylenol, Rosa?" America asked, rubbing my shoulder.
I nodded, grinning weakly up at him. "Yeah, that'll help. Thanks."
He nodded, then faced Germany. "Hey, wanna come along? I may need help finding the bag."
Germany furrowed his eyebrows and I did also. My bag is just in the other room of my hotel room. I'm pretty sure America wouldn't need help finding it.
Germany agreed to come along anyways. "Ja, of course."
Then they walked out, but I noticed that America is walking a bit stiffly. Is he okay?
"Here, chica." I looked over to see Spain holding a glass of water to me.
I gave him the best grin I could. "Thanks."
I took the glass and when the water touched my lips, I ended up draining that cup like no tomorrow.
"Are you feeling better?" England asked me and I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm better." I set the fancy glass cup down onto the mini table next to the bed, then I stood up. My head was a bit lightheaded at first, but then that soon went away. I stretched my legs and arms, feeling quite relaxed now. I guess now that that stalker guy isn't nearby, or, at least now that I can't see him, I feel better.
"You keep making us worry, aru." China mumbled and I grinned and shrugged.
"Sorry, I guess it's a habit of mine."
Romano grunted and a few others chuckled.
"America said that you were feeling sick?" Romano asked, pressing a hand to my forehead, probably to feel for a fever.
"Uh, kinda. Yeah," I said. I'm not exactly lying, but I don't think that the full truth should be spoken.
Suddenly, I felt exhausted. I covered my mouth for the huge yawn and then sat back down onto the bed.
"Well, guys, I think I'll take a nap." I told them.
"That would be best. Wouldn't want you fainting again," England agreed with a small nod.
"I hope you get better, bella!" Italy said with his happy grin and I couldn't help but to grin back.
"Thanks Ita, I will get better. Well, at least I hope," I mumbled the last part. How can I get better with that guy following me everywhere? I hate calling that thing "the guy", but what else can I call him?
The singing voices filled my mind again. "Slender Man". Maybe that's what I could call him.
I swallowed hard, shivering a little bit, but I tried not to let anyone else see. I don't want to bring them into this, just in case this is my problem alone. But, somehow, I doubt it. I don't think I'm his only target.
That makes me wonder...have any of the others seen that guy? Or is it just Italy and I?
"Get better, da?" Russia said and I nodded.
"I will, thank you."
Then they began leaving, wishing me well, and when no one was looking, Romano kissed my forehead, then left along with the others.
I'm alone now. I sighed and collapsed onto my fluffy pillows. Wait, didn't America and Germany go to get the Tylenol? What's taking them so long? Are they still here, in the other room?
I thought as I stared up at the ceiling. As I did, I thought about how stressed America looked a bit ago. Something is bothering him, and I must know what it is. It's a sibling thing.
Then the hairs on my arms began to rise and it felt cold in here. Oh, no. Not again.
At the corner of my eye, I can just make out his figure, on the other side of the room...
I gulped, and the sound rang in my ears; a roar compared to the silence in this room. I don't want to move.
I should try to call for America and Germany, but I'm frozen. I want to close my eyes, but I couldn't. I can't even blink.
Slowly, ever so slowly, I shifted my gaze in his direction. As I expected, he's there, staring at me with his featureless head. His thin black body looked like it was made of tendrils shaped into a torso, arms, and legs, and it is creepy as all hell.
Of course, as soon as I caught sight of him, my head throbbed painfully and my vision became obscure, like I was staring at the sun a little too long.
I instantly shut my eyes tightly, keeping as still as possible, my heart pounding heavily and my breath coming quick.
Oh God, what do I do now!? Why is he doing this to me!? And why after everyone has left!?
"What do you want from me?" I whispered. Suddenly, I felt that his presence has gotten closer. It's that feeling where you know someone is standing right next to you, even if you can't see them.
I know that if I open my eyes, he'll be the first thing that I see. It's tempting me and I'm doing my best to keep my eyes closed.
But my eyes betrayed me, and they opened.
The last thing I remember seeing before it all faded into nothingness was seeing his faceless head, staring down at me.

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