Black Bottled Revenge

Start from the beginning

Gibbs glance down again at the poor man and cringed. "Dose... Tha-" Gibbs looked up and stopped, to find Jack half way down the street. With a "ooh!" Gibbs plodded down the street after this captain, in a steady jog. Jack looked casually over to this right, while walking tipsily, to find a panting Gibbs with he's mouth wide, trying to speak. "Does.....*pant*...that count..*pant*...for miss.. *pant* Angelica?" Gibbs bent down and placed his hands on his beer belly trying to catch his breath after his little 'marathon'. Jack stopped in his tracks and widened his eyes. He stood there of a moment, feeling a small tingle flow though his body, as memories streamed back into his mind. Gibbs stood there as he watched his love-struck captain; motionless. "Haha.... I knew it" Gibbs horsy voice snapped him back into the real world, as he slowly walked up behind him breathing heavily, "I knew you still fancied that one" he placed a hand hard against the Jack's back, "and ye called them 'stirrings'!" Gibbs gave a small chuckle as jack rolled his eyes back into his head, dreading telling him anything about Angelica. "It's as obvious as a mole on a man face that ya lo- ouff!" Jack elbowed Gibbs right in the ribs, as sign that he knew to can it. He cleared his though loudly, and held his head high to try and gain some dignity back and looked at Gibbs harshly. "Now Gibbs.." He began and started to walk slowly, "ANGELICA, despite hav'n angel in er name, is the queen ov the she-devils er self!" Jack finished by waving his finger in the air and looked towards a not so far of pub, to show he was done with this conversation. Gibbs glanced over at jack and scoffed quietly, when will that boy just admit it?.

A soft low strum of a guitar flowed out the windows of the pub; 'Maidens Quarters'. A orange light shone dimly against the two men's clothes as they slowly approached the door. The sprinkle of rain had become heavy, causing a strong smell of rain to fill the air. Jack strode ahead, and stepped up to the large doors on the patio escaping the quickening rain. Rays of light escaped out the bottom and top of the door, and small mummers of conversations reached Jack ears. He lifted both hands up and pushed doors open, a loud whoosh of the thick alcoholic air that was contained in the pub, flowed out in a warm musky breeze. Jack brought his hands back down to his sides and looked around, inspecting the pub. A few men looked up and over to Jack and Gibbs direction. Jack put a finger to his hat and slightly dipped it in respect. The men raised their eyebrows and glanced over to each other, then returned their stare at jack and nodded in reply. Jack smirked and looked back to Gibbs, flicked is head forward, motioning to follow.

Jack shakily snaked his way around the pub until found a small table in the corner, away from prying eyes. He sat down heavily, as a waitress quickly ran over, just as Gibbs was sitting down.
"What drink will be tickling ya fancy tonight sir?" She said sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes. The red head woman was dressed in normal peasant attire. "A bottle of rum luv" jack answered with a charming smile and flirtatious wink. The women giggled and blushed slightly and turned her head to Gibbs, quickly loosing her blushing checks and smile "What do ya want?" She said harshly at Gibbs. "Err... A bottle of rum will do" he glanced over to jack, who had obviously once again caught the attention of another woman. "Right..." She answered glaring at Gibbs, she then returned her eyes to jack and laughed sweetly, before walking off. Gibbs rolled his eyes and looked away "ya always get the women's attention...." He said to himself quite annoyed. "That's because I'm amazingly attractive and devilishly charming Mr Gibbs!" Jack placed a hand to his chest and smiled toothily. Gibbs sighed, realizing that he had just fed his ego even more. "Right... I forgot..." Gibbs answered very unamused, and lay back into his chair.

A blonde hair woman approached their table holding two bottles of rum in he hands. "For you sir.." The woman gave a wink at jack as she placed the bottle next to him, "why thank-you luv" Jack depended his voice winked back. Ugh Gibbs rolled his eyes. The blonde woman then turned her attention to Gibbs and frowned, "here." She abruptly slammed the bottle down on the table and walked off, of corse not with out giving jack another wink. Jack watched as Gibbs grabbed us bottle violently and glared over in the direction of the blonde woman, and gave a light chuckle. He reached up to his shoulder and grabbed the fabric band of the strap and placed the bag on the table carefully. Gibbs retuned his gaze over to jack direction, then down to the bag. Jack put his hands in, and pulled out the Black Pearl.

"So..." Gibbs pulled the cork from his bottle of rum with his hand, as jack placed the pearl softly down on the table. "So what?" Jack grabbed his bottle of rum and pulled out the cork with his teeth. A soft pop and hiss escaped the bottle's neck. "So, any progress?" Gibbs questioned, as he watched jack take a long swig from his rum. "Well.." Jack bent over and placed his bottle on the table. "We have tried the goat," Jack lifted up his finger to start counting. "Yes!" Gibbs answered. "And....." Jack stared of into the distance thinking. "That's it..." jack sat back and frowned.
"Oh..." Was all Gibbs replied. Jack grabbed his bottle and placed it against his lips and drank the rest down in one big gulp. He placed it down and waved his hand in the air towards where the two waitresses behind the counter of the bar. The red headed one quickly jumped to her feet and scuttled over. "Another sir?" "Aye luv, a couple will ya?". The woman quickly disappeared then came back holding two bottles of rum. She placed them down, then swiftly ran off, to tend to her other guests. Jack once again, popped open the cork and took a large swig of the first bottle.

Gibbs glanced out the window and watched large droplets stream down the glass. "I wonder ow Miss Angelica is going out there, after ya left er high and dry on a deserted island with noth'n"
Gibbs turned his head slightly to hear a snort and a cough in jack direction. Gibbs smiled
"I mean... It's been what.. A three MOTNHS now? And still no sign that she go of?" Gibbs smiled to himself and he turned his head back round to find jack, red faced and in a coughing fit. Gibbs chuckled and gave jack a hard whack on the back. "For a matter of fact, I DIDNT leave her 'high and dry' " jack put two fingers in the air, quoting Gibbs. "I gave her a gun with one bullet! Thank you very much!" Jack voice pitched, and he folded his arms into his lap. "And besides, that women could fight of the grim reaper himself with her attitude..." Jack grabbed his bottle and took another swig finishing it, and then stared to open the next one. Gibbs smiled, he knew exactly what to say.

"Aye.." Gibbs replied with a high voice. Jack looked up from with bottle and squinted. "You know what jack..." Jack put his bottle down and looked at Gibbs. "What?" Gibbs smiled to himself "You, and Miss Angelica are very well suited..." Jacks draw dropped, and his face went red with anger and embarrassment. "W-W-WE ARE N-N NOT WELL SUITED AT ALL!" jack managed to yell out, gaining the attention of surrounding men. Gibbs just ignored him and kept going "both love the seas...not as much as each other of corse" jack started to spit out words madly. "SHE SHE... IS A HORRIBLE WRECNH! THATS ALL SHE IS!" Jack was jumping out of his seat in anger. "A HORRIBLE, ANNOYING, HEARTLESS, COLD, UGLY WRENCH!" Jack flopped down into his seat and glared at Gibbs. "Oh look at you jack, all red and flustered over a woman!" Jack was just about to answer back but Gibbs stopped him "I see she managed to get her claws into you huh jack?" Gibbs gave jack a nudge and winked. Jack glared daggers at Gibbs, violently grabbed his rum and finished it one one gulp, and waved for another. The red head woman approached holding two more bottles of rum and placed them on the table, and bowed her head and ran of. "You Gibbs," Jack grabbed one of the bottles and looked over to Gibbs, who had a smug face. "Have just earned you place on my 'People and animals Captain Jack Sparrow hates most in this world' list" jack moved the bottle up to his lips, "Congratulations".

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