Chapter 18: Welcome To The Family

Start from the beginning

I stood there with my jaw practically to the ground. This has to be a complete joke right? I mean come on Isabel is involved. She did make me believe that she was my birth mother when she really wasn't and she's a threat. I wouldn't be surprised if she was lying to this girl. Before I could  respond I heard the shuffling of feet coming our way. A shirtless, groggy Justin appeared. He was barefoot and the only item of clothing he was wearing were his boxers. I couldn't help but stare for a moment. He scratched his head and then looked pass me towards the girl.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"Well she claims that she's my sister." I answered. "I mean I wouldn't stress it too much after all Emily's mother told her this so. . ."

"Isabel Lightwood is involved in all this?" he questioned as his eyebrows flew up. He seemed to be more alert at the mention of her name.

"Yep." I said popping the p. I turned my attention back to the girl. "Well you've come all this way I mean the least I could do is let you spend the night. We can straighten this all out tomorrow."

"Uh babe where is she going to sleep?" Justin questioned. "The couch is occupied and the only room in this place is yours."

I sighed and remembered back to a few weeks ago when I had this place all to myself. Hazel didn't count because she didn't physically sleep in my house. When did my cabin become a freakin hotel?!

I had no idea where I was going to let this kid sleep. There was literally no room in here unless she sleeps in the bath tub.

"I could sleep on that rug right there." the girl suggested. I bit my lip and looked to see that she was pointing towards the rug in front of the burnt out fire.

"Are you sure? Cause I feel really bad." I asked and ran a hand through my hair.

"Yeah yeah it's totally fine. Me coming was on short notice anyway." the girl replied.

"Alright well goodnight?" I paused indicating I didn't know her name.

"Oh I'm Katie by the way." she replied.

"Well night Katie." Justin and I said in unison. 

I quickly sped back to my bedroom and slipped off my bathroom. Then I hopped into bed pulling the covers up to my neck. A few seconds later Justin walked in and slid into bed beside me.

Are you ok?" he asked.

"Do I look ok?" I said softly.

"Hey everything will be ok. Ok?" Justin said comfortingly.

"Easy for you to say. Not like you have family members on your doorstep every five seconds and it's not like you don't know where you come from.'' I mumbled.

I turned away from Justin and shut my eyes. I could feel the tears coming on. There was a long moment of silence before I heard Justin reply.

"You'd be surprised. . ." he whispered.

Justin's P.O.V

What Cassidy said last night really hit home. I did know what it was like to not know where I come from, to be deceived. It's all happened to me before and I try not to think about it but it still hurts. 

My mom basically left me at the doorstep of her best friend's house when I was a baby. She never told me anything about my mother or my family and raised me until I was about twelve years old. Then she decided I was too 'work' and left me at a police prescient. They tried to contact my family but no one could have me. Long story short no one wanted me and until I was eighteen I've been through numerous foster homes. Til this very day I have heard nothing from my mother or my family. Yes I have tried looking for her but any leads I've gotten have turned up to be straight lies. I've given up at this point. I guess my mom just doesn't wanna be found.

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