Chapter 15: My New Family To The Rescue

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I groaned a little as I opened my eyes. My head felt heavy and my body felt like mush. It was like someone drugged me and for all I know someone could've. It took me minute to study my surroundings. It looked like I was in some midevil underground dungeon. It was extremely pitch black and I couldn't see a thing from outside my cell. I ran a hand along the cold stone like walls. There was a tiny lamp making the cell a little easier to see. Instinctively I knew I need to get out of here. I reached in the back pocket of my jeans for my cell phone only to be disappointed. Of course it wasn't there geez I was stupid. I heard footsteps coming my way. I strained to see who it was and was met with soft green eyes. I expected to see my mother but what I saw was a kind looking boy around my age. He sat beside my cell and studied me through the bars. I gave him a curious look but he stayed silent. I had to admit he was pretty cute.

"I never thought in a million years this was how I would meet you.." he said thoughtfully. 

Um what is he talking about?

"Excuse me?" I asked extremely confused.

"Wait you don't know who I am?" he asked. I shook my head no and he mumbled something under his breath like 'typical.' "Of course she didn't tell you."

Typical of who? My mom?

"Tell me what?" I asked. 

"That I'm your brother. . ." he said like it was the simplest thing in the word.

Holy shit. Brother? Well I definitely take back saying he's cute. Thats just wrong on so many levels.

"Um I think you have the wrong girl because I am an only we look nothing alike." I said. He snorted.

"Why don't you ask our mom that?" he asked. 

"Ok um well she is the crappy bitch that put me in here so why don't you ask her?"

"Ummm no she didn't. She sent me here to save you."

Um am I stuck on stupid or something? Last time I checked my mother his a horrible bitch with no children..besides me of course. So she puts me in here and sends my apparent 'brother' to save me? Yup its mother is on crack.

"Ok um last time I checked my 'mother' is an evil demented vampire tha-"

"What are you talking about? She's not a vampire she's a witch like us dummy." he said cutting me off. I stared at him dumbfounded.

"Are you sure were talking about the same person?" I questioned.

"Mhmmm Isabella-"

"My mom's name isn't Isabella. Its Carol." I said being the one to cut him off.

"Um no Carol is the vampire that locked you in here. She's not our mom." he said.

"Uh yeah she is." To be honest I kinda hoped that Carol wasn't my real mom. It would make me feel so much better when I kill her.

"Um no she isn't-"

"Um aren't you supposed to be saving me? Were kinda wasting time here." I said annoyed. He rolled his eyes and unlocked my cell door. I didn't even notice he had a key in his hand. Wait he didn't have one. As if reading my mind he twirled his finger.

"Witch remember?" he said. I nodded and climbed out the cell. "Do you know how to do a transportation spell?" 

"For the eight-hundredth time I am not a witch." I said.

"Yes you are." he argued.

"Ok whatever you say can we go now?" Whack job

He did the same spell Emily did when we were going to and from my house to hers. A cold feeling spread throughout my body thinking of Emily. She didn't exactly betray me. She was kinda forced to do so by my evil mother. I needed to figure out a way to save her but first I need to find out who these people are that saved me. With a flash of light we were in a very familiar home. I found myself standing in Emily's living room. 

The Call Of The Moon (A Justin Bieber Tale)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora