Chapter 6: Confessions..Sort of

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                                                                          *Cassidy"s P.O.V*

I woke up dazed and confused. I looked around the room to realize I was in my bedroom. I didn't remember at first that I took a nap..but apparently I did. Then I remembered Justin was in my living room. I groggily stumbled to the living room rubbing my eyes. To my suprise he was gone. There was a note on the couch. I read it out loud

"Hey babe so I looked in your fridge and turns out you have no food so if your reading this I'm at the grocery store. Don't miss me too much ;) - Justin." I snorted at the last part. I felt warm inside when he said babe. I gave myself a mental slap. No Cassidy just no. I went to the fridge to discover it was empty like he said. Although I had a stove I didn't cook..not really. I mostly ordered out. All that was in the fridge was a molding piece of cheese, some spoiled milk, and a rotten apple with a bite out of it. As if on cue my stomach growled. I sighed as I sauntered over to the couch. I went to grab the remote but it flew off the mini coffe table. Well that was odd. I went to go pick it up and it moved further itself. I shook it off. My mind was just playing tricks on me; Its nothing. Then the lights started flickering.

"Ok what the hell is going on here?! Who are you and what the hell do you want?!" I yelled. I stopped being scared and worrying because i realized it was a ghost. Yeah a ghost. This wasn't my first encounter with one either which is why I seem so at ease now. All of a sudden a hazy figure came into view.

"BOO! Did I scare you?" she said. I glared at her.

"Hazel, could you not?" I said. I should have expected it to be Hazel. Hazel was one of my best friends. We met when she was trying to scare me. Ironic huh? She's always trying to scare people. When that didn't work we hit it off and now were besties! Cheesy I know. I wasn't really good at making normal friends. They just didn't understand what I was going through. She giggled.

"Hey without me your life would be boring." she said as she sat next to me on the couch. "Sooo who's the hotty that was here earlier?" she asked flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes slightly jealous that she found him attractive and slightly mad at myself for being jealous in the first place. "Just some random werewolf dude. He's really annoying now that I think about." I said. She faked glared at me.

"I'm not stupid Cassidy. Your just too afraid to get close to him. He's not like your parents..he's not gonna hurt you." she groaned.

"Yeah well its none of your concern. He's a douche anyways. Very cocky." I said dimissing her comment about my fears.

"Come on I can practically feel the sexual tension in the room when you two are around each other. And if you haven't noticed its really hard for people like me to feel something. Hello, ghost here." she said gesturing towards her body.

"Whatever." I say reaching for the remote. She moved it with her mind. I fuckikng hate ghost and their freakin 'undead' powers.

"Your not getting out of this Cassidy. Give him a chance. Why are you fighting it?" she pressed.

"You obviously need to clean those eyeballs of yours because he is not attracted to me in any way what so ever. Now can I please watch TV?" I asked pointing to the remote. 

"Yeah I'm the one that needs to clean their eyeballs. Have you not noticed him checking you out like 24/7?! Stop being oblivious to the truth! And no you cannot watch TV. Not until you admit you have feelings for Justin!!" she exclaimed her eyes practically bugging out of her head. And speaking of the devil Justin happened to walked through the door. I cringed hoping he didn't hear that.

                                                                       *Justin's P.O.V*

"......admit you have feelings for Justin!!" I heard as I walked through the door. I paused awkwardly. There was a ghost sitting on the couch talking to Cassidy. Cassidy looked at me shly. She was blushing extremely red. She looked like she wanted to crawl under a rock. The ghost turned to see what Cassidy was looking at. The ghost smiled at me.

" Hi I'm Hazel. Friends with this stubborn girl over here." she said gesturing towards Cassidy. I smirked. 

"Hey I'm-" but she cut me off.

"Justin yeah I know. Although you may not see me all the time I'm practically always here. I was here the first time you came here. I was gonna try to scare you off since Cassidy wasn't here , but I didn't get a bad vibe from you soo yea." she said smiling. Well gee she sure is perky. A complete opposite from Cassidy. How did these two even becom friends in the first place?

"Oh well it was nice meeting you. I'm gonna go put these uh away." I said referring to the bags of groceries in my arms. As I made my way to the kitchen I heard Cassidy whisper yelling at Hazel.

"OMG thanks a lot Hazel. Now he thinks I like him when I don't!"  I chuckled at her remark.

"Oh come on your acting like thats a bad thing. You like him,your just not ready to admit it yet but you will." Hazel whispered back. Hazel was right. I knew she liked me. I liked her too. Obivously there was something stopping Cassidy from giving in to the feelings. Yet another thing to ponder. All of a sudden there a crash in the living room. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Cassidy scream. I dropped the bags on the floor and ran to see whats going on. I turned to see Cassidy floating in mid air. Her eyes move toward me in a panicky matter. I see Hazel just standing there wishing she could do something. Then I see a women with her arm out in Cassidy's direction. She sees me and puts her arm out in my direction. I am quickly shot up in midair. I try to yell, speak, or move any part of my body. I can't. I suddenly realize she's a witch. She seems pretty young to be a witch though.

"Now if your friend here would've let me explain, things would'nt have to get so ugly. I didn't come here to fight. I came here to help you and I guess warn you. You guys are in extreme danger." the witch said. 

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