[Chapter Twenty Eight]

Start from the beginning

"No, I'm staying until we figure out how to open the door, even if it takes another year." Alyndra was by his side, wanting to help, she wasn't going to give up as easy as the dwarves. The two of them stood there quietly, the hobbit murmuring the words the elf had spoke that night when he deciphered the clue on the map. The skin changer looked to the sky hoping for answers when the moon came into view and they heard a tapping sound coming from behind them. They both turned at this and saw a thrush and the light of the moon shining in exactly the same spot.

"The last light!" Bilbo gasped, as they both saw in the wall a place to fit the key. The hobbit ran over to the stairs. "Come back! Come back!" He shouted to them, hoping they hadn't traveled too far that they wouldn't hear him." It's the light of the moon! The last light of autumn!"

Alyndra stood there, hoping Thorin would come back with the others, it was only right that he would be the one to open the door, but the light was quickly fading. She glanced back at Bilbo, who shrugged his shoulders as what to do now, she turned back around about to run after them when her boot caught the end of rock and she let out a sudden shriek, when she felt arms catch her before she hit the ground. The woman looked up and saw it was Thorin, who was looking at her with concern.

"Alyndra, I'm sorry, I never meant to say that to you." Thorin pleaded to her softly. She looked up at him and smiled, holding the key up for him to take it. He looked at it, almost forgetting he had let it go. He took it, and kissed her on the forehead and walked over to the wall. Thorin gave the hobbit a nod for not giving up as well. Balin stood beside the woman as they watched him slid the key into the hole and turned it until it clicked. Thorin placed both his hands on the wall and pushed with all his might as the door opened and they were now starring down the tunnel into the mountain.

Thorin entered the mountain first, his hand sliding across the stone wall, remembering every memory he had in his home before it was taken from all of them. Even Balin couldn't help but relieve the memories he had in the mountain. The hobbit and skin changer were the last to enter, letting the dwarves go first.

"Herein lies the seventh kingdom of Durin's folk." Gloin started reading when he found an inscription above their heads. Bilbo and Alyndra joined them to see what they were looking at, unaware that Thorin was further down the hall, thinking about something else." May the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves in defense of this home."

"The throne of the king." Balin explained to the hobbit and skin changer from behind them.

"And what's that above it?" Bilbo asked curiously, looking at what appeared to look like some kind of jewel.

"The arkenstone."

"Arkenstone. And what's that?" The hobbit wondered aloud, before turning to the elder dwarf.

"That, master burglar...is why you are here." Thorin stated from behind them. The dwarves gathered around the hobbit, his purpose for being with them, was now finally being put to the test. Alyndra noticed the hint of fear on the hobbit's face. They wandered back outside, not wanting to alert the dragon of their presence. Each dwarf wished the burglar good luck.

" Be careful Bilbo." Alyndra told him as she hugged the hobbit. Thorin had to pull her off of him, when she wouldn't let the hobbit go. The woman was scared for him, he was so small and she knew how much this day scared him, when he would finally have to face it. Thorin led the skin-changer out with the others and Balin led the hobbit down a hall to the entrance of the treasure room and to explain a few things before he would have to continue on alone.

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