Ch.2 "Starbucks"

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<Tati's Pov>
-Skip School-
I am home and getting dressed to go to starbucks

(Thats what she is wearing) *walks to starbucks*I feel so alone i wish there was someone with me right now*bumps into a boy*T:"Hey watch it"??:"i am so sorry lady i didn't see you there"He sounds like someone i know, when i look up i saw

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(Thats what she is wearing)
*walks to starbucks*
I feel so alone i wish there was someone with me right now
*bumps into a boy*
T:"Hey watch it"
??:"i am so sorry lady i didn't see you there"
He sounds like someone i know, when i look up i saw......Gabe?!
T:"Wait since when you could call me that"
G:"Back in Elementary school Mcquay"*smirks*
*starts looking up and down at me*
G:"Damn i didn't know your different side would look so hot"
T:"uh uh t-thanks i guess"
G:"i-i-i'm sorry"
Did he just apologize to me again?!
T:"It's okay don't worry about it"
G:*smiles*"I am actually on my way to Starbucks if you want we could go together it's on me"
T:"sure i'd like that"
Gabe held his arm so i can hold it
G:"Lets go ma'lady"
I giggled i gabbed his arm
<Gabe's Pov>
Omfg she is so cute when she giggles and she looks so hot in her clothes way hotter than usual
As we reached to Starbucks i opened the door for her, i honestly never new i had this in me
G:"No problem"
-Skip ordering-
G:"Tati could you go and grab a table?"
When she left i couldn't stop checking her out she is so hot
W(worker):"Here is your drink sir and here is your other drink for your girlfriend
I blushed alot after she said that
G:"Uh hehe i already have a girlfriend"
W:"Yea her right"*points at tati*
I blushed a little more
G:"N-No we are just friends i guess"
W:"i saw the way you looked at her just go for it dude i think you two would make a cute couple"
I left and found tati in a table
G:"a drink for you and me"
Tati just giggled damn so cute
T:"Thanks Gabe"
G:"So hows it going?"
T:"wat you mean?"
G:"i mean about your parents?"
Tati changed her smile into a sad face
T:"Not so good they are fighting again"
G:"it's okay remember you have Bailey,Boogie, your little brothers and me especially me"i say with a smile
T:"Thanks Gabe i underestimated you, your a good boy inside and out" after that she got close to me and hugged me i blushed a lot, i hugged her back
<Tati's Pov>
I am so happy to be in his arms i feel so safe i am glad to have him in my life
After Starbucks we decided to go home
G:"Hey you live right across me"
T:"that's nice well this is my stop thanks for today Gabe"
G:"No problem and sorry about this morning at school"
T:"It's okay apologie accepted"
G:"Hehe well i guess you should go now before it gets late" he says with his smile fadding away
T:"right well bye Gabe"
He waved bye and i left inside my house
<Gabes Pov>
I feel so sad but oh well as i was walking i heard the door open tati ran outside and hugged me once more than surprisingly she kissed my cheek and then ran back inside
G:"Did that just happen?!?!"
I touched my cheek wear she kissed it and i started to dance my way home this is the best day of my life i said then i went to sleep..
<Tati's Pov>
I saw Gabe dance his way home through my window i laughed and blushed so much if only i could tell him how i feel
T:"I love you Gabriel De Guzman
I said then i fell fast asleep

OMFG #Gati I love Gabe and Tati so much i will be posting more later hope you liked plz vote and so do the same with my previous chapters,💞love you guys cya in the next Chapter✌
2:28 am

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