10k stands and pulls some rope from his pocket, but something catches his eye from over the bed of the truck and he pauses, his expression growing wider. Suddenly the sound of a missile being launched whistles through the air and 10k jumps out of the way as something explodes against the wall of the closest building. The explosion causes my ears to ring for a couple seconds but what I'm more worried about is the fact that 10k has hit the ground and not gotten up.

     "10k!" I yell, my hands loosening from Murphy's wrists. He doesn't reply and I look from Murphy's sneering face to 10k who might be dead or dying. I let go of Murphy and rush to 10k's side, kneeling there and grabbing his dirty face in my hands. "Hey, come on," I urge him- then I notice his eyes are moving. I wipe the blood from his temple and help him sit up. "You okay?" I ask him before a Z falls right next to me, funny- I hadn't even heard it coming.

     I hear someone yell 'Cap!' But it sounds as if it is coming through cotton. I turn towards the noise and see Doc running towards me. "Cap!" He yells, but it's very muffled. 

     "Doc?" I ask and he runs over, helping me drag 10k behind the yellow truck where Addy, Warren, and Mack spray cover fire for us.

     Doc and I drop him by one of the tires and I squat next to him, wiping the blood that steadily trickles from his hairline. 

     "You scared the hell out of me kid!" Doc tells 10k, the sound less muffled than his last words.

     "Where am I?" 10k asks loudly.

     "Don't worry we got you, alright?" Doc tells him.

     Several bullets hit the truck and I draw my gun. 

     "What?" 10k asks Doc with a raised voice.

     "I said we got you," Doc repeats, louder this time.

     "I can't hear you!" 10k yells, panic evident in his voice.

     "This is insane!" Mack yells as he takes down a zombie that approached from behind.

     "Why the hell is everybody shooting at everybody!" Addy screams as she reloads.

     "Because Murphy's a golden goose," Warren growls.

     "We're sitting ducks here, we're going to have to split up into groups and keep moving. 10k, are you alright?" Warren asks, her last few words being masked by a bullet whizzing by.

     "What?" 10k asks, turning to Warren.

     "I think he's deaf," Doc says and I turn 10k's face towards me.

     I first point to Warren 'she', I mouth. Then I point to my mouth 'said', forms on my lips. I point to him 'you'. I make a thumbs-up 'okay'. I express to him. 10k nods to me and turns to Warren.

     "I can't hear anything!" He tells her.

     "Doc, you take him with you, Cap- you go with them and be 10k's translator. You guys take the alley and cut east, and advance north. Mack and Addy you guys take the west side- we'll flush them out," Warren orders and 10k turns to me.

     I wave a finger between me and Doc before pointing it at 10k 'we', I point to the alley 'alley'. I inform him and he nods. 

     "W-w-what about the bounty hunters?" Doc asks.

     "Kill them too," Warren growls furiously before cocking her gun and hunching over. "On my go, I'll cover," she tells us. I help 10k into a squat and a few bullets land just above our heads, I push his head down as I duck with my own. When the bullets stop we all turn to Warren. "Three," she sticks up three fingers, "two," one of them drops, "one," she yells, her index the only finger standing "GO!" She orders and stands, firing like a mad-woman.

Second {Z Nation}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon