(7) Frederick Chase (Mortal)

Start from the beginning

"ugh είναι πραγματικά δύσκολο να μην αγαπώ φύκια εγκεφάλου (ugh it's really hard not to love you Seaweed Brain)," Annabeth said. Percy smirked as they reached the top. After they were done, they ran back down the stairs laughing.

We all sat down at the dinner table. Percy sat two seats away from me. Annabeth came and sat in the middle of us. When she scooted in her chair, she scooted it a little closer to Percy. I can't believe that she even likes that guy as a friend he seemed like he had a giant ego and was awful to talk to. We started eating after they sacrificed their food and stuff.

"So, Percy," I said taking a sip of my beer. "You guys met at that camp place?"

"Yeah," he said. "Who is your parent?" I said.

"Poseidon," he said.

"Oh cool, the sea dude. So when did you meet," I said.

"When we were 12," he said.

"Did you go on any of those quest things together?" I said.

"Yeah we went on 4 together and then we went on another one to Greece and Rome and somewhere," he shuddered," for like 6 months," he said. I nodded as we finished our food.

We went to the couch to watch a movie. Percy sat on the love seat and Annabeth sat next to him. They started arguing over what movie to watch. Percy wanted Finding Nemo and Annabeth wanted anything but Finding Nemo. We finally all decided on Happy Gilmore. (A/N BEST MOVIE EVER) Once the movie started, Annabeth put her head on Percy's shoulder. Percy smiled and looked down at her with love. Grrr- that stupid punk likes my daughter?! After the movie was over, we went to bed. Once I got into bed, I dozed off.


At 3 in the morning I heard a very loud scream coming from Annabeth's room. I started running into her room and I ran into Percy.

"I got this," I told him.

"It's fine, I can calm her down," he said. "I'm her dad. You're just her friend," I said with a look of disgust.

He put his hands on his hips like he was about to say something sassy, but he stopped when Annabeth let out another scream.

We ran into the room and Annabeth was flailing her arms and legs. I went to Annabeth's side with caution and tried to hug her, but she kicked me in the balls. I backed away in pain.

Percy walked in calmly and went to Annabeth's side. He sat on the bed and put her head in his lap. He started running his hand through her hair and muttering calming words to her like: "We're out of there," It's okay," and "I'm here. We're together and I love you so much." Annabeth was calming down and she opened her eyes. She looked up.

"Percy?" She said with a crackly voice. She let out another sob and sat up wrapping her arms around Percy.

"T- Tartarus was k-killing you and I c-couldn't do anything about it," she said in between sobs.

"Shhh it's okay Wise Girl," Percy said stroking her hair gently. She pulled away wiping her tears with her sleeve. She looked at Percy with so much love, it was like he went in hell for her or something.

"I love you," she said hugging him again, "so much."

"I love you more," Percy said as they pulled away. Annabeth leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Can you stay with me?" She said pulling away. He nodded.

"NO NO NO! YOU WILL NOT BE STAYING WITH MY DAUGHTER!" I yelled at Percy. I pulled him out of her room.

"What were you thinking?" I asked him. He looked at me like I was a waste of time.

"You just kissed my daughter, don't you have anything to say scum bag?" I said.

"What I have to say is that you have no idea what we've been through. You don't know why she was screaming, I do," he said. I just got so mad that I smacked him in the face. He didn't even flinch. Annabeth came out just as I was about to smack him again.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said as she put herself protectively in front of Percy.

"He kissed you! He deserved that smack," I said.

"For your information, he has been my boyfriend for 2 years, something you would know if you actually talked to me," she said. I gasped.

"Why would you date him? I don't approve!" I said.

"I don't care if you don't approve! I have been happier than ever before, stronger than ever before, and a better person than I've ever been before with him. He went into Tartarus for me! Would you do that? No," she said.

"You're  just blinded by your little crush on aquaman," i said.

"She can decide what she wants to decide. She lost her dad the day that she ran away and you didn't stop her. You also didn't call or write once she did forgive you. I just don't understand why. How could you not call her? I can't go a day without talking to her. You're  the so called "scum bag" that I apparently am. Thanks for nothing!" He said.

They grabbed their things and ran down the stairs. I followed them.

"Wait! Annabeth!" I said. She turned around.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time Frederick. When you didn't approve of Percy, you didn't approve of me because he is my heart," she said looking me dead in the eye. Percy was glaring at me with his arm around Annabeth.

"Bye Frederick," she said and turned around to walk out of the door. Dang- I blew it again, but that stupid Percy- ooo Helen's cookies.


thanks for reading! love you guys! please comment, vote, and follow me.

~caroline, daughter of poseidon🌊

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