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  There were days when Frank thought he was really crazy, that Gerard didn't exist and he was just an imaginary product of his mind created because of the loneliness he suffered during the day. Still, he didn't complain about it. It was great to have somebody who kept him company.

Gerard came around almost everynight. Sometimes they talked less, some others they talked more. They laughed, they compared their respective lifes, they told each other their worries. It was actually only Frank the one who did this last thing, though.

The vampire didn't seem to have a single worry. Frank had never dared to ask it to him, but he suspected the beings of his kind didn't experiment feelings at all.

There were a thousand more questions Frank wished to satisfy with delicious answers. Gerard had turn Frank's fear towards him into curiosity and, later, fascination. But besides that, there was something else. He wasn't interested in his life just for what he was but aslo for who he was. He liked his personality and, even though that was rather sad, he was the first one he could comfortably talk to and share good times with since long ago. But even that comfort was relative since many times he got nervous in front of him when he didn't know what to answer, when Gerard grabbed hik to take him to their particular roof or when he caught him looking at his indefinable but precious eyes. Or his beautiful nose's side. Or those lips so...

Frank shook his head to get those thoughts of his head. What was his mind trying to tell him?

  Just in that moment he got in his high school, a place where loneliness attacked him with its sharp claws. At least he could stop the insistent thoughts about his nocturnal friend for some time there, he thought.

He was wrong.


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