[16]Contest in Kanto

Start from the beginning

Ash:(yawn)Sorry girls,Pokemon contest isn't really my style(yawn)(and beside i already know all about pokemon contest thanks to mom)😦

Misty:Fall asleep again and I will mallet you Ash(show her fist).😣

Ash:Alright I get it,Jeez Misty control yourself,what did i fo wrong?😅

Misty:you ruining the contest by sleeping on it😤

Ash:Okay I watch,Happy now?😅

Misty:We see about that!!😒

They watch a another performance from the second contestant who revealed his Mankey.

Ash:Just some weak performances,just skip it to the battle!!😑

Misty:Ash be quite, somebody might hear you!!😡

Ash:Ahhh so boring,if I would be their in the stage,I will show the audiences a performance they never watch before!!😑

Misty:Then do it,not just telling some bluff😡

Ash:Oh I will,someday!!

They continued watching the other contestants and begun choosing the coordinators who pass the first round.

Lillian:That's all the coordinators who be going to the second round,thank you folks🎤😉

Misty:Only 8 out of 43 coordinators passed the first round😃

Leaf:Yeah I kinda like some of their performances,too bad!!😃

Ash:Finally a Pokemon battle,this I will watch!!😃

Misty:About Time😃

Their attention is on the stage with Lillian holding the mic calling the two coordinators who will gonna face off in this round.

Lillian:Robert vs Gill,if the time runs out and your points is still higher than your opponent,you win the match,or if you beat your opponent pokemon you also win,okay start!!!😆🎤

The coordinators started the match they reveal their pokemon and begun to fight,both parties managing to damage each of them.

Lillian:Look at that folks,what a intense battle!!,Gill points is rapidly decreasing his current points is 51% while Robert is still at 75%,both pokemon is doing great!!😃🎤

Misty:Go Robert,you can do it!!😃

Leaf:Gill show him no mercy!!😆

Ash:Wow what a cheer!!!(sarcastic clapping)!!😐

Time Skip

This is the final where coordinator Robert and Mike is about to fight.

Leaf:Pokemon Contest is so cool!!😃

Misty:Yeah I agree to that,what about you Ash?😃

Misty turned her head to the side only to see Ash sleeping soundly with drool face on.

Misty:💢Really Ash!!!😤

Leaf:Wait Misty,leave him be,after the contest we leave him behind so when he woke up,he will freak out that we left him behind hehehe!!😄

Misty:Nice plan Leaf,Okay I leave him be!!😃

They both nodded and continue to watch the contest while Ash is sleeping soundly.

After the Contest

The contest ended Robert is the winner and received the Viridian city ribbon.People started to came out of the building and headed home.

Leaf and Misty already left leaving Ash back in the building still sleeping.

Leaf:Ash is so gonna freak out for what we did hehehe!!!😄

Misty:You got that right hahaha!!,come on let's go to Pewter City😄


Meanwhile with Ash

Ash is still sleeping soundly in his seat when someone woke him up.

????:Hey wake up,come on,I don't have all day!!😰

Ash:Huh?.......Where am I,Who are you?😲

Lillian:My name is Lillian the Mc of this contest,what are you doing sleeping in here?😐

Ash:Huh?,I fall sleep,why didn't Misty wake me up(thinking)Those girls,they did this on purpose!!😠

Lillian:Well,The contest is already over so if I were you,you should get going and find your friends!!😃

Ash:Ahhh right,Thanks for waking me up,I'm Ash by the way😃

Lillian:Nice to meet you Ash,I hope someday you will participate on any contest,I would love to watch it!!😃

Ash:Don't worry,I be participating next time,so until next time bye!!!😃

Ash left the contest building leaving Lillian still near his seat waving goodbye.

Lillian:I kinda like that kid!!😃

Ash managed to catch up with the girls and ignored them still piss of them for what they did to him.

Misty:Oh come on Ash,we're just playing around!!😅

Leaf:Yeah,so please don't be mad at us please!!😅

Ash:(pouted)Fine,but do that again I am the one who leaving you two behind😑

Leaf/Misty:Roger that!!😅

Ash:Okay,Onward to Pewter city😃

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