[Chapter Nineteen]

Start from the beginning

" This is Mr.Baggins from the Shire."

" He's not a dwarf is he?" Beorn asked.

" What no, he's a hobbit." The wizard reassured and the man relaxed. Suddenly the first two dwarves appeared and the man grabbed his axe and held it at the ready. Dwalin, was sweating, remembering what that other man said last night that her father would kill them. Eventually more dwarves came out to reveal themselves to the skin changer only to see him fuming more and more.

" Is that it?" Beorn asked. Alyndra looked and saw Thorin finally emerge from the house and noticed her father recognized not him but by his crest on his trousers, he then turned to his daughter. " Which one of them nearly killed you?" He asked. Alyndra quickly looked at Thorin, worried what her father was going to do. The skin changer saw her quick glance. " Was it him?" He asked heading towards Thorin with his axe in his hand.

" What! no father stop!" She yelled running in front of him and Thorin. The other dwarves had backed away leaving Dwalin in the middle. The skin changer turned his attention to the fearless looking warrior with anger.

" You tried to kill my daughter. " Dwalin looked neither sorry or guilty for what he had done and Beorn tossed his axe to the ground. Thorin pulled the woman to his side, not letting her get in the middle of this and the skin changer threw a harsh punch at the dwarf's face, knocking him to the ground and he felt his lip bleed. The dwarf got back up only to be knocked to the ground again with Beorn yelling words of hatred at the dwarf for attacking his child.

Alyndra couldn't watch anymore, she didn't like seeing her father become this person. She got out of Thorin's grasp and ran over to her father. " Father stop please!" She screamed at him and he looked up at her from nearly about to shove the dwarf's face into the ground again. Dwalin was covered in his own blood. Beorn had never seen his child look at him the way she was now. He tossed the dwarf back to the ground and stepped over him. Alyndra followed behind her father back into the house.

" She just saved your life, brother." Balin grumbled at him before following the others back into the house with Thorin. The skin changer had calmed down and offered the dwarves food. Beorn was now up to date on their quest and that Azog the Defiler was alive and tracking them and they need help to get to the gates of Mirkwood. He offered the dwarves and wizard to stay at his place for one more night and then he wanted them out.

" You care about him, don't you?" Beorn asked, coming up beside his daughter at the kitchen table. He had caught the way she looked at him and noticed how different she was, when she wasn't around him. The dwarves had left to pack the new supplies the skin changer had offered them to at least make it though the forest.

" I do care for him father." She admitted.

" I can see he cares very much for you as well. He can't seem to let you out of his sight for even a second. " Beorn stated and Alyndra looked over at the dwarves to see Thorin would ever so often look at them both. " What about Drakin?"

" I don't want to see Drakin again. He-he's different. He's not the same person he was before he disappeared. I never wanted to be with him. Things are different now. I have someone in my life now." She explained and her father nodded that he understood.

" If he's the one you choose, then i accept it." Beorn stated, and she smiled at her father." What happened to your face?" He asked, remembering he hadn't seen those fresh cuts when he saw her the other night.

" Umm....Drakin was at the house last night and I left with him into the woods alone to tell him that things were different that I was with Thorin and he attacked me." Alyndra swallowed remembering every blow to the face he gave her until she managed to escape.

" If I ever see him again. He'll be sorry. No one hurts my child." Beorn growled.

" Father please your not this person." She begged him, placing a hand on his. He nodded to her that he wouldn't do anything else. Alyndra went to go find Thorin, but as she searched amongst the dwarves he was no where to be seen. " Balin. Have you seen Thorin?" She asked him. The elder dwarf let out sigh.

" He said he had something he needed to take care of." Balin explained as he lifted a finger, pointing that the dwarf prince had left out the back door and she panicked. Alyndra realized he had gone after Drakin for what he had done. Not saying anything she ran out the back door. Thorin didn't know everything about Drakin, including what he was and she ran into the forest.

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