Chapter 1: The Interview

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My name is Kat, I have been an orphan for most of my life. Now I am 13, usually, no one wants a teenager. But I am positive someone out their will like me for me.

"KAT!" my roommate screamed, waking me up.

"WHAT!?" I yelled back.

"Nothing," She giggled, I rolled my eyes and was ready to go back to sleep. "I just wanted to say you have a meeting in one hour." she added. I opened my eyes and I jumped up. Oh shoot! I ran to get ready. 

A meeting means an interview with some adults that could be your new mom and dad. But I never get adopted, but I felt like this one would be another chance. I mean they all are, but i'm really hopeful right now. So I got ready, putting on a nice white dress, flats, and my hair in a side braid. I walk down stairs to the meeting and I saw a woman and man sitting. The lady was blonde and the man had blackish brownish hair with blue eyes. They look very familiar...Mmm. I just shrugged it off and smiled at them.

"Hello!" I said, waving.

"Hi! I'm Anna." the lady said.

"hello, I'm Steven." the man said.

"I'm Kat." I said going over and sitting down. I started to talk about my self.  I give them a drawing I had drawn. It was a drawing of red flowers. 

"What's this?"  Steven asked.

"It's a drawing I made, you can keep it." they both look at it and smiled.

"Do you guy want to see a MAGIC TICK?" I whipped out a deck of cards and hold it up. They look at each other and smiled then looked back at me giving me a nod. I did my fav Magic trick, THE NAME TRICK. Not a good name but yeah. Its when they pick a card and put it in a pile and I try to find it by spelling their name out. When I was done they were surprised.

"How did you do that?" Anna asked. I just laughed. Then Ms. Bell  (the lady that Owned this place) walked in.

"Times up Kat."

"Aw ok." I said looking at her. I looked back at Steven and Anna. "Bye."

"Bye." They said. I likes them I hope they like me.

Re-edited: 9/9/18

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