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5 years later.

Wilde was rushing, he hated being an intern. Hated it with every fibre of his being. It didn't help the woman he was working for found him more of a maid than an assistant. As a result he found himself heading over to pick up her dog from the saloon, her clothes from the laundry and today, her coffee that she forgot to buy.

It made him almost want to take up the job at his father's company. Almost. But he was stubborn and he didn't want to admit he was wrong.

He entered the shop, which smelt pleasant but the line was far from it. He tapped his foot, holding the files he collected and the stamps he got from the post office while his mind repeated her stupidly complicated order.

The line was slower than the grass growing in spring, he tapped his foot, watching the woman, three heads in front of him mull over what she wanted. She could have thought about that while she was in line, Wilde thought bitterly.

It was all he'd been feeling lately, bitter.

When it was his turn, Wilde's tongue was ready to go through his boss's complicated order when he recognised the girl in front of him that sent his mind into a whirlwind and heart into overdrive. 

He'd seen her three years ago, during his semester break in her dorm room with another guy. They weren't doing anything physical but he knew her. He knew how she was at times and jealousy burned so bright in him and, he was frightened because it took him far too long to get her and he didn't like the distance between them. It felt like the worst possible thing when his parents send him to Manchester and she went to Birmingham. 

He remembered the fit he had and how she tried to calm him only to turn seething when she thought he didn't trust her. 

Their whole relationship was built on trust, trust that was easily broken when Daisy got drunk and kissed a guy she said that looked a little like him. A little. He knew he shouldn't be upset, this was Daisy,  who was so fiery and beautiful she was dangerously irresistible with a sexual poweress that kept guys on their knees for her. 

She broke up with him.

And they hadn't seen each other since. 

"Daisy," He breathed out, feeling that familiar feeling of being right all again. That the world had rightened off it's axis and that the stars were back on the night sky when it's been gone for far too long that all it left him with was wonder. 

Daisy looked a little stunned, glancing at his shirt and the files and looking anywhere but at him. "Yes, how may I help you?" She asked stiffly.

It was then he remembered that she was working and that there was a queue behind him that was growing by the minute but, he didn't fucking care. This was a girl whom he had loved his whole life only to lose her three years ago. A painful fucking three years because there was no one like her, no one that could make the stars shine as brightly as she did.

And he'd be damned to let her go again. 

"I'd like your number and a date with me," Wilde answered, a flirtatious smile on his lips.

Daisy blinked beautiful blue eyes meeting his enough to give him a boost of energy that changed his day from horrible to beautiful. "Wilde," She whispered softly, "I meant what do you want to drink?"

He said his bosses order a little too quickly and he had to repeat it again so Daisy could write it down, a frown on her beautifully pink lips and part of him wished she said yes, that she smiled inside of looking so frustrated with him. 

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