21 ~ Lavoro

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Courtney's POV

"Are we here yet?" I ask for the millionth time.

"Shut up Courtney! You're really annoying me." He chuckles.

"Not my fault, your work is so far."

"I'm so glad we decided against the idea to take you back Italy."

"You were going to take me to Italy?!" I chock.

"You know, possibly." He replies, calmly.

"Just out of curiosity, why am I staying with you. Not anyone else."

"Ouch, that hurt." He says, sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that." I reply, defensively.

"Yeah, I know you didn't. But everyone  else in this gang, lives with their partners or in a shared house with a shitload of other guys. Boss thought it might be more sensible to have you stay with just me."

"Fair enough. Can I ask you one more question?"

"Nope. We're here." He says, as he pulled up the handle of the handbrake. I open the car door and slip out.

"Where are we?" I ask as I look up at a huge, double-story, square building. This kinda looks like a brothel.

"Work. Now come, let's go." He says, as he grabs my arm and drags me towards the building.

"I don't want you attempting to escape but you won't get far though." He whispers in my ear, making me shutter.

He pulls me down a few hallways and stops in front of a door. He pauses for a while before taking a deep breathe and knocking on the door. I didn't hear any reply but Luca pulled me into the room.

"Ah Luca. Glad to see you showed up. Alright let's get started." Their Boss was sitting at a desk.

Luca nods and drags me over to a chair. He handcuffs one of my hands to the railing and then walks over to the desk.

"Por qué hizo usted esposar Courtney?" (Translation: Why did you handcuff Courtney?)

"Ella intentó a escapar de nuevo." Luca bluntly says. What are they saying? (Translation: She tried to escape again.)

"De nuevo?" (Translation: Again?)

"Sí pero ella tiene castigado." (Translation: Yes but she was punished.)

I didn't bother listening to the rest of their conversation. They're not going to talk any languages I know.

I sit on the chair for what seem liked ages. Why can't they speak English so I can listen? I look back at the table. There was their Boss, Luca, Spencer and two other men I didn't know. Why isn't Ashton here. Or Malcom. Or any of the others guys I've seen. I close my eyes and tried to imagine Megan. How did she react when I wasn't there yesterday? Is she missing me? Tears start falling down my cheeks. With my free hand I try wiping them away before anyone noticed.

"What's up principessa?" I turn around to see Malcom sitting next to me. His face was still red and bruised where I hit him. Well, maybe he is here. (Translation: Princess)

"Oh n-nothing." I mumble.

"Has anyone told you how bad you are at lying?" He chuckles.

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