Nutella, Ice Cream, Cheesy Puffs and Ginger Biscuits

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Picture of Louis on the side!


The drive to the boys' shared apartment didn't take too long, but even a peaceful cruise through the streets of London at three o'clock in the afternoon did nothing to clear my mind. That's how I knew the argument Harry and I just shared was one of the worst we'd ever had. 

I couldn't help but cry as I pulled up into the familiar block of posh flats, where Harry, the boys and I had had countless sleepovers and parties. 

Turning off the ignition, I pulled down the mirror and swiped under my eyes, cleaning off any remains of smeared make up. Hopping out of he car, I text Louis to tell him I was on my way up, whether he was dressed or not. I had a feeling it would be the latter; it usually was. 

After climbing three sets of stairs and knocking on the door of apartment 3A, I waited impatiently for one of the boys to greet me. 

The door slid open and I didn't take so much as one step before I was swept into Louis arms. 

"Boys, your sister's here!" Louis called down the hall to Zayn, Liam and Niall. No doubt they were all in a competitive game of COD. 

There was a loud crash, some shoving and some shouting before Zayn, Liam and Niall bundled down the hall, wrestling each other. I rolled my eyes and laughed; this was typically them. 

They all joined mine and Louis' hug, showering me with kisses and comments on how much they'd missed me. But I couldn't help but wish Harry were the one holding me in place, not Louis. With that thought, I broke down into tears, surprised that I had any left after my little episode in the car. 

Louis' chest vibrated against my cheek as he said, "Liam, go get the Vanilla Carte Dor ice cream but make sure it's the light one because I have a feeling she'll be capable of finishing the entire tub."

I poked Louis in the stomach and he quickly added, "Oh, and she wants the Nutella too!"

Liam nodded and sent me a sympathetic smile, making his way into the kitchen. Zayn and Niall followed, most likely to help with bowls and cutlery. 

Louis pulled back slightly to look at me, "Nutella and ice cream; that bad, huh?"

I was almost as close to Louis as I was Harry, although he was like the older brother I never had. 

I bit my lip to stop the tears that were quickly gathering in my eyes from spilling over. 

He cursed before mumbling more to himself than me, "That dick. I'm gonna kick his arse so hard tonight that he won't even be able to walk in the morning." 

He looked down at me, wiping away the tears that were slowly gathering in my eyes. 

                    "Right, come on, let's get you inside. And I want the whole story this time, not the edited version were you make yourself out to be the bad guy."

I rolled my eyes and followed him through the hall and into the living room, where the Xbox was on pause, cushions scattered the floor and the corner cabinet had toppled over. Well, that explains the loud crash, I thought. 

Louis did a bomb onto the sofa and signalled me to join him. I laughed and snuggled into him, resting my head on his shoulder, his arms winding around my back. 

Niall and Zayn strolled in, holding bowls and cutlery whilst Liam walked in, trying to balance four different types of ice cream, ginger biscuits, Nutella and cheesy puffs. My stomach growled and I realised that arguing with Harry and storming out the house had stopped me from eating any lunch. 

Zayn gave out the bowls and cutlery whilst Niall pulled the beanie bag away from the TV and arranged them in a semi-circle, facing the sofa Louis and I were sitting on. 

Liam scooped the ice cream into our bowls, gave us all a spoonful of Nutella - an extra two for me - two ginger biscuits and poured the cheesy puffs into a separate bowl. 

I grabbed my spoon and shovelled enough ice cream and Nutella in my mouth to keep my full for the rest of the day. 

Louis looked worriedly at the three boys and I caught him mouth, "This is worse than I thought."

The boys 'discreetly' nodded in agreement and I sighed. 

                    "So..." Louis began. I could tell by the edginess in his voice that he was being careful not to bring me to the brink of tears again. 

Liam asked quietly, “You wanna talk about it?”

I nodded slightly, before opening my mouth to speak. I sat in that position for a few moments, unsure of where to begin.

                    “Right, well, urmm...Harry came to mine and we basically hugged and talked for a bit and then I told him that I’m dating Jason again and he completely flipped out.”

                    “Why would he get angry about you dating Jason again? Unless he’s jealous of course...which, no offence, I doubt is the case as you’re his best friend.” Louis played with the tassel on the cushion deep in thought.

Liam, Zayn and Niall looked up at me expectantly and I shrugged. “I honestly have no idea.” And I didn’t. As far as I knew, he was none the wiser at to what really happened between Jason and me last year at the boys’ house party. I’d told him I was upset because I thought I saw Jason flirting with another girl, which was just about as far from the truth as humanely possible and a situation I would have preferred.

Louis interrupted my train of thought as he turned to face me. “I just don’t get it. He’s not jealous so why would he be so angry about it? What did he say to you?”

I chuckled dryly, “Well, he broke my mum’s favourite pasta bowl but that was just the tip of the iceberg. He basically started shouting at me and insulting me about who I date and...Well, we both said something we’re going to regret in the morning.” I finished with a sigh, finishing my ice cream, Nutella and ginger biscuits.

Louis shook his head, “You two are like an old married couple. One minute you’re as close as possible and the next you’re at each other’s throats. Although, I don’t think being away from you for so long has done him any good; I’ve never seen you this distraught before so I can only imagine what went down in your kitchen.

Liam stretched out his legs and Niall piped up, “Maybe he found out something bad about Jason that you don’t know about?”

I gulped, praying that he wasn’t making a jibe about the little predicament I landed myself in just down the hall from here exactly one year ago. Then again, Niall looked up innocently at me so I had a pretty good feeling that he didn’t know just how dead on he was.

                    “To be honest, Lil, I just think he’s being a complete dick. Just wait for him to cool off; we’ll talk to him when he gets home and tell him to swing by tomorrow so you two can discuss this like the mature adults that you are.” He winked jokingly, knowing that the last thing Harry and I would be is mature.  

                    “I can’t do the morning; I’m at school.” I replied, dropping my empty bowl on the floor by the sofa.

                    “Oh yeah, I totally forget that you’re only seventeen. I must admit, you’ve grown up a lot in the eight months we were gone.” Zayn smiled proudly at me and licked his lips in a seductive manner. I couldn’t help but laugh. These guys never failed to lighten the mood and make me feel better.

But every good thing has to come to an end. And that’s exactly what it did when Mr Manwhore stormed through the door. 

Gotta Be You - A Harry Styles FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora