; the lonely one

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The cold bed sheets weren't as cold as your stare, shooting laser right onto my chest and left a huge hole. Each day, our fight was getting bigger and bigger until i couldn't stand you anymore. You became distant and all i did was pushed you away.

Weeks without seeing you, i felt horrible. I would find myself waking up at odd hours, whispering your name under my breath. I would pick up my phone and try to call you, but i never did. I never called you. I was always the stubborn one, i never wanted to make a move first.

Weeks without your touch, i was left with just your sweater that you purposely left at my place. I would bury myself in my blanket, hugging it tightly as i tried to remember your scent. I tried to sleep away the sleepless nights.

Weeks without you, we drifted far away and that only made my love for you grow stronger— but your love for me to grow smaller. I knew you didn't love me anymore. But i didn't do anything but accepting the fact that i was the lonely one, not the only one.

a/n: this is going to end soon but i fucked up lmao

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