Gaea is well a *beep*

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They're all dead! It's all my fault. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry Beauty Queen, Sparky, Repair Boy, Fai, Witch Girl, Wise Guy.

I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough.

Okay let's back up a bit so you know what happened.

We were in Greece and I got the nosebleed that ended the world.

Nah, just kidding. I got the nosebleed that woke up old Mother Dirt Face.

We started fighting all the monsters she sent at us. Those were no challenge.

Bob and Damasan taught me and Andrew a few things that we taught to the rest of the Seven.

Then came the giants. Our parents flashed down in full battle armor, Nico and Reyna (and Hedge) must of did it!

Everyone looked at me, I just looked at Zeus, sorry, Jupiter.

"No Perseus. You lead. You may be our children but you know everyone's strengths and weaknesses best." He boomed.

Yes, please leave me to lead. Because if this fails and they all die I will be totally able to live with the guilt.

"Okay, everyone pair up with your parent and take on a giant. Try not to go against the one who is their opposite. That wouldn't be smart, like at all."

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