Chapter 84: The Fires of that Day

Start from the beginning

"Amy is great!" Ella exclaimed, genuinely meaning every word. "If I had a big sister, I'd want her to be just like Amy! But, oh, I'm running terribly late... I have to go find her! Do you know where she is?"

"Amelia is most likely in the kitchens," Macey chuckled, hefting her basket of apples. "I heard she was getting ready to go into town to purchase some medicinal herbs for her father."

"Thanks, Miss Macey!" Ella squealed, whipping around and flailing towards the kitchens. "Bye!"

"My word!" the old maid called. "Lady Ella, walk with some gracefulness, at least! You are the daughter of a count, not the son of a farmer! Such a little tomboy... tsk tsk..."

Ella merely giggled, skirts and beribboned hair flying as she tore down the halls toward the kitchens like the energetic little dynamo she was.

Somewhere, deep within the back of her mind, however... something felt a little off. As if there were an odd pressure just behind her eyes.

But then she made it to the kitchens, and found Amelia putting her bonnet on.

"Amy!" Ella squealed, running over and plowing into her waist. "Hi!"

"Oh!" the girl gasped, looking down in surprise. "Ella! You startled me!"

"Hi, Amy!" Ella laughed, looking up at her with adoring eyes. "I heard you're going into town today!"

"I am indeed," Amelia proudly explained, hefting the basket with a brilliant grin; one of her front teeth hadn't fully grown in yet, so her smile had a cute little gap. "Papa says that I'm old enough to go out on my own now, so he asked me to go get some supplies for him!"

"Wow!" Ella gasped, eyes widening with delight; she instantly jumped up and down. "You're so grown up! I can't wait until I'm nine years old! Papa says I can't leave the house unless one of the maids comes with me!"

"Well, that's because you're still only five years old," Amelia giggled, leaning down and tapping her nose with a little finger. "Don't you worry. If you're ever bored, just come to me and I'll take you anywhere you want to go!"

Ella paused and looked around, making sure nobody was close enough to hear.

Then she looked at Amelia and leaned close.

"Can you take me to see my friend again today?" she whispered, grinning widely. "I want to tell her about Daddy's new song! It was so lovely, and she always likes the ones about dragons!"

"But of course, and this time, we won't even have to sneak off!" Amelia giggled, grinning widely; her blue eyes gleamed behind her round spectacles when she stood up. "I think it's positively wonderful that you've befriended one of the beast folk, Ella. You may not realize it, but your actions could change the whole world!"

Ella's eyes widened and she gasped.

"The whole world?" she whispered, looking at Amelia with rapt awe. "Really? How?!"

"Well, everyone thinks that the beast folk are like all the other demons," Amelia explained, hefting her empty basket. "Since you've actually managed to befriend one, it could change the belief that all demons are monsters! Plus, from what you've told me, your cat friend sounds lovely."

"Oh, Amelia, she really is!" Ella gushed, wriggling around. "She's so nice, and warm, and she talks to me like I'm a grown up! She doesn't treat me like a baby! And, oh, her fur is just so soft... even softer than my favorite silk blanket! When she hugs me goodbye, it always feels so nice!"

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