Chapter Fourteen

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I pointed to my bruised and bloody ankle, whimpering softly. Her eyesbrows came together as she tip-toed down the stairs. 

"It really hurts." I gasped out. Cassies' eyes turned sympathetic as she pulled a mini revolver from behind her.

She's going to shoot me!

But, obviously, instead she pointed at the lock and shot it off. She removed the broken fragments and I flexed my ankle happily.

"Don't be so happy yet." She said as she grabbed my upper arm tenderly and hoisted me to my feet. I wobbled and leaned my weight on her. She blinked down at me.

"That weak?" She asked. All I did was let out a feeble 'mew' as she basically carried me up the stairs at a turtles pace. 

We made it to the top and she closed the door behind us gently before towing me down a hallway.

I knew Oliver had taken me far but I didn't know this far. My legs, stupid as they were, wobbled underneath me.  Cassie huffed but kept going, dragging my body down different hallways and up another staircase.

How many floors were in this house? I tried to guess when we passed through a door and another hallway.

I whimpered in pain. My lungs burned for air though we'd only been walking for at least a few minutes.

"Hold it together, Cam. You want to get free, right?" She murmured to me, urging me on.

For some reason those words refueld my fire and I pushed myself to a run, an uncoordinated one, but better than nothing. 

With the goal of freedom fresh in my head, I barely heard the barking behind us. But Cassie did and before I could muster a word she grabbed another gun and shot the dog with a tranquilizer.

"H..How did you know to have one of those?" I asked.

"I've known and hated that dog from the moment my brother got that damn thing." She muttered, letting a half smile appear as we reached, yet another, hallway.

I sighed loudly, losing hope again, until I saw the front doors. My ears perked up and I ended up dragging my rescuer instead. She gasped in astonishment but didn't argue.

"Where do you think you're going?!" A voice boomed. Cassie and I turned in the direction of his voice. But her face was angry as mine was fearful. 

"He doesn't belong here as a pet and entertainment!" She screamed at him. He just chuckled as he decsended stairs, hands behind his back. Cassie took a step infront of me, protectively.

"D-Don't get hurt because of me." I pleaded. She scoffed and continued to stare at her brother. He gazed back, now on the first floor with us. 

"Yes, sister. Listen to Cam." He stated, smiling evily. She didn't move a muscle but she did usher me behind her completely so that I was hidden from sight. This made him angry and he growled. 

"Protect that piece of shit? What about protecting me? He could have diseases!" He explained.

"Then why did you buy him from his old master?" Cassie retorted back. Olivers eyes went blank for a moment in shock then back to angry.

"That is none of you business! Now give him back to me! He is mine! MINE!" He shrieked, coming towards us. I screamed just as Cassie drew something from her back and Oliver did the same. Luckily Cassie was faster and shot Oliver in the arm and his leg making him drop the gun and drop to the floor in a heap.

He groaned in pain but Cassie didn't show a slight bit of remorse for her brother.

Her flesh and blood.  

"Let's go Cameron." She finally said, breaking the silence. I nodded in agreement and was tugged away from the bloody picture displayed before us..

We made it to a car. Black and unnoticable even for my eyes at first. She stuffed me gently in the back seat and ran to the drivers side, sliding in.

"Hold on!" She said seconds as she turned on the vechile and pressed on the gas when a form got in the way.

It was Oliver, who had limped in our way about ten feet from the car. My ears went down as I mewed softly.

Cassie smirked keeping eye contact with him.

"He's not going to move!" I yelled. She shook her head.

"He will." Cassie reassured me as she finally punched the gas and we flew forward. I moved to cover my eyes but saw it wasn't needed as he did indeed jump out of the way.

I slumped in relief until I looked back and saw him get hit by a bus. I screamed, making Cassie lose control of the car momentarily. 

"What are you screaming for?!" She screamed back, spooked.

"Oliver.. He.. He got hit! By the bus!" I yelped. Her eyes widened then shrank to slits, continuing on driving.

"He deserves it." She said finally after taking a second.

"What if he's dead!?" I yelled. I saw her shudder, fingers grasping the steering wheel abit tighter. Her knuckles were white.

"Well I hope God is more forgiving than me." She growled, speeding down the highway as I stared back at the scene until it was nothing but the past. I slumped in my seat, the weight of my freedom dawning on me.

I am finally free. No more pain. No more cuffs. No more basements. And no more Oliver.

The thought of not having Oliver in my life caused me to faint.


I awoke in someones arms, carrying me. It took me forever to come to my senses. Fading in and out until bright sparks flashed before my eyes.

" take it way.." I mumbled unintelligably. I heard a familiar laugh but couldn't place where then.  When my vision got somewhat better, I figure out they were really lights.

I felt dumb, really dumb. I was set on a couch which I started to curl up into before I was picked up and set on a lap.

The lap was actually more confortable so I snuggled up and nuzzled whoevers neck it was, missing the gentle physical contact from someone else. 

"I hope he'll be okay." A voice sounded. I knew it wasn't Cassies' because this one was deeper.

"Where do you know him from, son?" Oh there is Cassie.

"Um..The park." The voice replied, coughing after lightly. The park? Park. Park. Park. Swing. Kids. Girls and Boys. House. Boy. Sex. Who's the boy again?

I opened my eyes and saw the face just as the lightbulb dinged in my head. 

"K-Kyle!" I gasp, eyes flying open. His eyes grew wide from the outburst.

"Yes?" He asked, curious.

"W-Why're you here?" I asked, he just laughed. 

"This is my house? My mom brought you here." He stated.

"Your mom?" I started to say confused when he motioned over to Cassie. I stared dumbfounded. 

"THAT'S YOUR MOM!" I screamed again, sitting up. They laughed together then Kyle grew serious.

"She told me what happened. It'll never happen again as long as I live." He promised.

My mind grew blank then my breath hitched and tears welled up in my eyes. 

"Really?" I ask, letting them spill over. He nodded, a smile spreading across his face. 

"Yes." He replied and without caring that his mom was there, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, sealing those words.

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