Chapter Thirteen

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A tiny woman stood before me. My eyes widened as I threw my hands forward in a weak block attemot. Instead of her lashing out, she pulled me towards her in a hug.

I froze, remaing perfectly still. I couldn't find my voice nor stop this woman from making a mistake. But I did start to tremble, sobs breaking free from the box I'd long locked them in. She didn't seem surprised and her are just seemed to hold me tighter. We stayed like that for a moment before she let me go.

"He's gotten his hands on another one, I see." She mumbled to herself. I figured what she mean't and just nodded along with her.

The girl sighed softly and stood up straight.

"M-Miss..." I stuttered over the word, scared to say something out of place. She smiled kindly, eager for me to express anything.

I gulped and opened my mouth.

It all rushed out. I told her everything. From the moment I arrived at my old masters house, to the attack dog, the groping men, to now being locked in a closet. She remained still through all of this, eyebrows knitting together slowly.

Once I was finished, I paused for breath, awaiting her answer. The women simply nodded and glared at the ceiling.

"May I know your name?" She asked.

"C-Cameron." I didn't bother saying, people called me Cam, anymore. I'd lost the excitement to say it. She smiled.

"My name is Cassie. It's a pleasure to meet you." We suddenly heard foot steps coming near and I whimpered, skooting back.

"He'll be mad if you were talking to me, wouldn't he?" She asked quietly. I nodded, frightened.

"I'll be back." She whispered before closing and locking the door again. Her steps left the room with a gentle Click Clack. I slumped in relief until the door swung open again and Oliver yanked me up by the wounded arm. I cried out and he grabbed my lower jaw, holding my mouth closed tightly.

"SHUT UP." He growled, dragging me to another room. I followed without a word, scared to anger him more. My mind started to wander, daydreaming of a good life with a nice Oliver. The Oliver I met when riding the train but...

That had all been a mask. I wish he'd put that mask up. I wish-

When I kept rambling on in my head, I didn't even notice until it was too late, my body being thrown down a flight of stairs. I yelped, whimpered then groaned as I reached the bottom. My head now ached and so did the rest of my body. I tried to sit up but a boot came down on my back, slamming me back on the ground. I bit down on my lip to muffle my agonized cry.

Oliver chuckled evily before slipping a iron cuff around my ankle. I jerked my leg only to find it secured to the stone wall.

"Have fun kitty." He said, hopping back up the flight of stairs to the light, leaving me in the dark. I wailed for an hour at best but in the end it seemed as if this place was sound proof. Was this my end?

  *Two days later; In The Late Evening*

It's cold down here. My ankle burns from the iron cutting into the skin repeatedly. It hurts. Hurts more than slamming into that television device before.

I sniffled at the memory, feeling tears run down my cheeks.

If only I could go back and redo everything.

As I sunk into less painful memories that left me dazed and breathless, the basement door swung open. I stiffened and retreated to a dark corner, the only one I could reach. But instead of Oliver, Cassie stood there in an all black outfit, hands on her hips.

"Now, I did not break my brother's security for you to just sit there!" She explained.

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