Chapter Seven

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His number was on the paper.

I was suppsed to call him? Guess it only seemed right since I didn't know the number to the house phone.

Sighing, I started walking to the bathroom. Kyle was bigger than Master which I never thought could happen in life itself. I took a shower being gentle when I cleaned myself out. Even the little touches made it sting and throb, making me groan.

I obviously did the dirty deed too much.

Once I finished, I heard the phone faintly ringing in the distance.

Who would be calling? My feet thumped against the floor as I raced to answer it.

"Hello?" I greet in a flat voice.

"Cameron." Master said. My heart squeezed painfully in my chest as I remembered my forbidden actions.

"Yes sir?" I say, trying to keep the pain from my voice.

"I'll be home soon. Exactly ten minutes actually." He reported. My eyes widened as I took in the soaked wall and floor. It also smelled like sex to a T.

"O-Okay. See you then!" I say before hanging up. I grabbed the mop, cleaner and the bucket. Filling the bucket almost to the edge and throwing soap in it, I dragged it to the scene. Drowning the mop in soapy water, I clean the floor until it shined before my eyes caught the wall.

How do you clean that??

A light bulb went off in my head. I see!

I gripped the mop tightly and rubbed it on the wall, removing my mess. I ran a hand over my forehead then put everything back. I straightened the house up, washed the dishes, fixed the rug, vaccumed, and dusted just to make sure it looked perfect for Master.

I heard a car door slam. I ran up the stairs and changed into blue shorts, and a black t-shirt while sliding down the banister after and landing on the couch right when Master opened the door.

"Master!" I called excitedly, jumping off of the couch. Truthfully I missed him. Just not AS much as before.

He smiled and hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry I left you for so long hun." He whispered while he rubbed my ears.

I purred, mind wandering to when Kyle did that. His hand was softer than Masters'.

I mentally slapped myself as I smiled up at Master'.

"It's okay. I understand you had work." I replied, twirling my tail around. He nodded, eyes growing sad. I blinked. Did I do something wrong?

"Yeah.. work." He muttered, looking over my head. Without saying a word he went upstairs to the restroom, locking the door behind him. Is he okay?

Suddenly I heard a bang then Master stomped back down the stairs, holding something in my face.

How did he get here so-

In his hand was Kyles number.

My ears went down, backing away.

"Did you do something while I was gone?" He asked, physically and mentally pissed. I shuddered at how cold he sounded.

All I did was hang my head, too ashamed to answered.

Master tsked and dragged me up the stairs by my ear. I whimpered in fear as well as pain.

"Since you don't want to answer, I'll find out myself." He warned, yanking my pants down when we reached the room, my bed.

I struggled but he was stronger than me.

"P-Please no!" I plead, squirming. He laughed without humor, spreading my cheeks apart. I hissed in the fierce pain. He was pulling me further apart.

Running down my leg slowly, my blood left little splatters on the comforter as he let go. I slumped in relief, panting to lessen the pain.

His foot prints grew faint then louder again. Next thing I knew I was drenched in water. I lay there shivering.

"Maybe you'll learn your lesson next time." He growled at me. I cowered into the soaked sheets, scared I was going to be punished more.

But all he did was cut off the light, leaving me in the dark, and lock my room door. I stayed in this cold position, so frightened to even move an inch.

Let me out. Please, I'm scared.

I cried myself to sleep wondering if he'd ever let me out again.

----------A week later------------

I can't feel anything. My lips are dry and cracked from lack of water.

Master must have left me here to die.

My breathing was becoming more hitched and less in a steady beat.

I could feel my pulse in my throat as if to show me that I'm still alive which I had no choice but to do just that.

My tail barely moved, maybe a twitch here and there. But my ears stayed plastered to my head as if they were drained of life itself.

The only thing that kept me occupied was the noise of the cars. Zooming back and forth.

Lucky, they have freedom. Unlike me. I try to sit up but end up having the gravity push me on my back, holding me to the ground.

Is this how it feels to die?

I managed to roll on my side. My vision blurred slightly when I heard the door click and open.

Then I faintly heard a scream before my world crashed to black.

Save me.

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