Chapter Twelve

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The room was filled men.

Old men, young men.

It was disgusting. I could feel their stares on me, watching my body.

My fingers automatically covered my crotch but Oliver wouldn't have that and slapped my hands away. I recoiled and hid my hands but won sickening whistles and claps as I became exposed.

I wanted to throw up but unfortunately that wasn't an option because I hadn't had anything to eat. So I stood there in the middle of the room, staying still as Oliver latched a new collar onto my neck and then after locking a chain-like leash to a metal pole that had be driven into the ground by where I stood. I grew terrified.

"Gentlemen.. This is my latest toy, Cameron." He stated, bowing at the waist slightly.

"What happened to his body?" A man pointed out, motioning to the newly opened wounds. Oliver clicked his tongue in distaste.

"He is a fiesty one. And my dog treated him to a painful lesson, wouldn't you say Cameron?" He said. I stood completely still, keeping my mouth shut.

My silence was like an open bottle of oil being added to the flame. He slapped me hard against the cheek, making my head swivel to the side before he grabbed my hair and yanked my head back.

"What was that boy?" He whispered in my ear. It took all my power not to spit in his face.

"Y-Yes sir." I whisper, wincing occasionally from the sting. He smiled, almost sweetly, as he looked back to the crowd. 

"Well! Come Come. You may handle the merchandise, but do not leave a bruise, blemish, nothing." Oliver warned, half-heartedly. The men laugh quietly as one by one they walked up towards me. Suffocating me. Touching me. I tried to resist, yanking on the collar...

This only seemed to amuse them.

           *45 Minutes Later*

My body wouldn't stop trembling. 

I couldn't stop the unholy noises leaving my lips.

No one is here to save me.

They finally moved away, finally allowing me to collapse to the floor. Oliver had propped himself against the opposite wall, arms crossed. I used my eyes to plead for it to end.

He smirked when he saw this.

They had touched me everywhere. I didn't like it but my body betrayed me. I was made for this, though at the moment I wish I wasn't.

When the men filed out of the room, they each reached out to touch me once more. I cringed automatically, but I couldn't go very far because of the leash.  

When the men had all disppeared, Oliver pushed off the wall and looked down at me. 

"How was the experience?" He said with a joking tone. I glared at him, spitting at his shoes in defiance, openlu expressing my will was not broken. This flared up the anger again and when his arm moved back to hit me-

The door rang.

As he walked away, I slumped against the only support I had; The Pole.

Why couldn't this person called God take me now?

Oliver ran in the room and released me from my restricting collar. He roughly grabbed my arm and threw me in a closet. 

"If you make ANY noise. I will personally slice you to bits, do you understand me?" He asked, eyes blazing. I nodded and with a smug look he closed and locked the door.

Who was here that made him so on edge? As I pondered this in my mind a new voice could be heard faintly from the hallway. I strained to hear, pressing my ear to the door. 

"Brother! It is nice to see you." A female voice said. Oliver chuckled, the way he did with me when I went to the store. I missed the nice man that was now replaced with a cold hearted fucker.  I sighed and held back tears.

"Well, it's always a nice surprise to have my favorite and only sister visit." Oliver answered back.

I could clearly hear the hint of annoyance in his voice but that was probably from me earlier. Their voices drifted away along with the click of someones heels to where I was left in silence again.

I started to grow impatient, rubbing my arms. Would he leave me here?  I started to hyperventilate, and started pacing around til my back accidently knocked against the wall.

I held my breath, listening for anything or anyone. Hearing nothing I relaxed, exhaling softly. I really hoped Oliver didn't hear me. My life would be over!

I started to cry, thinking of what he'd cut me with when the closet door swung open and showered my abused form in light.

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