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so ive been thinking about "brands". that's not the best word, but i can't think of what else to call it.

basically what i mean is like something you're known for. what you're known by. stuff like that.

like choose a random youtuber, like jacksepticeye, or danisnotonfire, or doddleoddle [yes i know generally people may not call these people by their usernames, especially the last one].

that username is like their brand. it's what they're know by/for.

ive been thinking about my own "brand" lately. honestly, i have many different usernames and such i use. i have nothing that's "me" necessarily.

i have thecatwhofangirled, but im honestly not sure about this. i want something that will last. i may not always be a cat or i may not always be a fangirl, you never know. so i kinda want a "brand" for myself. something new

yeah, idk what the hell im talking about im probably making no sense ill just go now..

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