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Chapter one : past memories

Once upon a time a girl named mekayla awoke to reality, have you heard of it. It was her thirteenth birthday, and she remembered the weeks that had followed her, she felt no different.

Or at least that's what she was trying to tell herself but someone ,somewhere in her heart was arguing to différ. Though mekayla had no time to enter her heart and memorize her feelings.

Therefore she made her bed and walked up the stairs leading her away from the basement , entering the kitchen. Today she noticed her mother changed demeanor she was happy ,quite different then her moms daily anger.

She embraced it for then noting it wouldn't be like that , it was later for the abuse to start. Her brother and sister exclaimed a very giggling happy birthday. Which she replied thank you . her conscious reminded her that this was the closest birthday present she was getting today.

Due to her mother mental illness, it left her vulnerable and unpredictable. Ever since they moved to Indiana after her mother decided they were going to move in with her boyfriend who lives in Indiana a whole other state. As they resided in Michigan.

She was devastated not knowing the man and when he went to pick them up he looked like a bum a holey shirt, but supposedly he made big bucks mother said. I had a whole education going for me and she took it all away from me. And I didn't have family there nor ever heard of Gary Indiana .

She was uprooted from her everything, not to mention ja'martea .Which will mean more to her than she would think in the future.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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