Chapter 1

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"Minnie, yer sure-" was all Bose could get out before his elderly house keeper was shooing him out the door.

"Go on now, I didn't hitch your wagon up for nothing" Minnie said. Her southern accent hadn't fade even in the six years since she'd been working for Mr. Barrett. "The little miss n' me will be just fine. You go bring your new missus home."

Reluctantly Bose took his seat on the wagon, blew his sweet Caroline one last kiss goodbye and urged the horses on. He wasn't looking forward to the 2 day trip alone to Denver City. He hasn't been away from his little girl longer than just a couple hours since she was born. That had been more than two years ago, he didn't know how to be alone. But it would pay off soon enough, he was on his way to pick up the mother his little princess deserves, or so he hopes. Miss Ella is young and doesn't have much experience with children but her education and kindly written letters that have been exchanged suggest she will be good for little Caroline.

Any minute now the train would come into sight on the horizon, the train that holds the soon-to-be Mrs. Barrett. Bose had arrived in Denver early this morning to get everything prepared for her arival. He had been to the boarding house and gotten them a room, given all of the details to the preacher, polished his old boots, and picked the lady some wild flowers. He just needed his bride. So here he was standing on the platform, twisting his worn cowboy hat in his trembling hands. Suddenly overcome with guilt he said a quick prayer and begged his late wife for forgiveness. "Beth, sweetheart. Its time, time I found another to take care of not only sweet little Caroline, but to take care of me. You know how useless I can be. If it's not pushin' cattle or breakin' horses, I don't know how to do it. Please understand she isn't coming to replace you darlin', no one could ever do that, she is coming to give our girl and our home the love that a father alone cannot give."

When he raised his head the train was pulling into the station. The butterflies that had taken up residence in this belly when he left his home 2 days ago were suddenly replaced with an eerie calm. In that moment he knew, Beth was blessing this marriage. He waited and watched all the people, searching for the woman described to him in letters. His eyes were drawn to the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

Sandy brown hair and mossy green eyes. It had to be her, if only he could get through all these people to be certain he had to check the dress -the white dress covered with small blue flowers- she told him she would wear her best dress so he would know who to take to the preacher. "Mr. Barrett?" When the young lady spoke, Bose realized he'd been holding his breath, holding his breath and staring. "Quite improper, Bose. Quit staring and say something you fool!" He cussed himself before smiling " Please call me Bose, Miss Chisum."

Blush stole up her neck and cheeks "Ella," she choked  reaching out her gloved hand "please call me Ella."

Bose took her and placed a soft kiss against her knuckles. The blush spread farther and hotter as Ella pulled her hand away. A fact that Bose did not miss, he slowly lifted an eyebrow with a smirk and said " shall we go meet the preacher, miss Ella?"

He offered his elbow thinking to himself "if a kiss to the hand causes that much blush, I can't wait to see her react to a real kiss."

Barrett Beauties, Colorado Territory 1871Where stories live. Discover now